Också var i Sverige kommer du ifrån? Och hur länge har du varit i Nya Zeeland? Jag ser inte många svenskar här, bara några finländare och danskjävlar men jag kan inte förstå ett ord de säger haha

Jeg er halv dansk halv Kiwi, og opvoksede i New Zealand mit hele leve. Jeg har mødt danskere out and about måske to eller tre gange mest in mit hele liv. Alle af dem bor ikke i New Zealand og rejst tilbage til Danmark efter et par måneder.

Then you should consider taking another form of transport

You're right. They should just all close, ensuring that everyone has a few days of guaranteed break.

Look at their stock market, it's just like Australia's; 100s and 100s of "energy" companies

via europe? You mean there's a cable from New Zealand directly to europa?

It's because the years after they get sent to China or whereever they don't speak English. How is New Zealand meant to effectively make progress with partners when you can't communicate with them?

They are caught because there is transparency forced upon them. How many houses does Adrian Orr have? How little extra is he paying when he forces mortgages up on everyone else

sacrificing things for the economy

but it's never their own that suffer.

Tell me, why is that these unelected officials don't have to publish their economic (conflict of) interests. We should hold them to the standards as politicians when they whole control the economy.

the government only cares about military spending

You'll be glad to know that got cut 6% yesterday

It’s our job to convince businesses that good design greases the gears of their business rather than throwing in sand.

How so? Doesn't a logo looking more nice than just ok just make them seem more professional only?

$20 for a burger is a lot, but damn after corona it's like every where is $20 now

Green Limes, funded by US capitalists, are also massively being imported as of recently