Your feelings are legitimate, but maybe she really needed this vacation for her mental health. Especially if she is the primary caregiver of the two kids and does the majority of the housework.

She's only 12. I don't think losing her birthday party is the appropriate punishment. Instead, she should lose her phone permanently. Buy her a dumb phone if she needs it to communicate with you. I had to do this with one of my kids. She had a dumb phone until she became an adult and could buy her own smart phone.

It depends on why he's crying. If it's for attention, give it to him. If it's for a toy, let him cry.

Give them yes or no questions and show them you are ok with either answer.

This really depends on where you live. Our state has school choice. So it doesn't matter where you live.

I don't think this can be fixed. At least not in the massive corporations some states call schools. Some schools are literally the size of a small town.

Yes, we did. However, they were in a little bassinet made for it. Sort of like a Moses basket. If they weren't in the Moses basket, they were in a bassinet next to the bed.

Yikes. If that's how they treat the kids with company, imagine how they are treated in private. This is abuse.

Haha. Thanks. I'll take your word for it. Once was enough. I can't keep track of the Marvel movies.

Do you have a relative or friend who would enjoy them, and be fine with you borrowing them whenever you want?

Your fears are valid. Especially after such a horrific loss. I'm so sorry for what you're having to go through.

Don't sell it. Do you have a relative who can keep it for you?

A toddler isn't capable of doing the grocery shopping. They eat what you buy.

Don't leave without a very clear custody agreement established and in writing. Make sure you can get visitation on school breaks. Whe. You have your daughter during visitation. Make sure she feels loved and cherished.

My parents lived in different states growing up. It can be OK so long as your daughter always feels loved and wanted. Send her a few cards/letters via snail mail every month. Send her flowers on her birthday. Make arrangements to be there for her big firsts. Like her first dance recital or band concert.

If it's done right, it'll be OK.

Say you are being tested tor ulcers, and your doctor said no alcohol, coffee, or acidic food for a while to help with your acid reflux and upset tummy.

It's OK to be a tom boy. Not all girls are girly, and not all boys are masculine. Let her have short hair and dress like a Tom boy. There is no harm in it. It doesn't make her trans for not wanting to wear a dress.

Maybe you should go on a blind date with the kids' uncle. Maybe he's a cool person. Lol. Take it as a compliment. He likes you so much that he wants you to be his aunt.

And I guess be glad it's naked women instead of naked men.

Maybe tell him about incognito mode.

That's not how it works. The abortion pill has a gestation limit. You might want to research how the pill works. You only have 10-11 weeks.