That results in a deck someone will play against? No.

One of those cards that will end in a lot of forfeits or losses but not likely someone sees it to win.

That's what SBMM js there for, just play for fun and it will at least try and keep you from playing the super sweat no lifers. People don't want to hear it but that's why CoD has the players it has because anyone can play and at least do ok.

If your having to do manual targeting to target heads that ate someone 4x might actually make it easier to miss some turns and could make it harder and if you're full auto just go do something else.

For hydra I wish there was just better AI or a way to select a preset to tell your team to always target the head that ate someone which is the only thing the keeps me from being full auto.

Yes this for me would be way more useful than just sped up animations since it's less about how long it takes my phone to play the match and more about having to constantly look back, make a selection, hit go, rinse repeat.

Wouldn't expect to get PaP3 when you're new. You should start focusing on tier 1 and then 2 contracts so you can get the schematics from those areas and also work on your missions since there are some wlachematics locked in there as well.

At the same time you're doing this you will be getting your containment level higher which will start letting you spawn in with more money, earn more money from missions and make things cheaper.

Meanwhile in the games you're playing you'll likely end some games with some extra perks or PaP crystal so by the time you get your containment level up some it should be easy to drop in and immediatly have PaP 1 and some perks and only require a little work to get PaP 2.

Once you got the containment level to get more money from missions it becomes realy easy to earn PaP 3. But ultimately either you need to run one of the OP guns every match or get lucky and get a good stream of epic and legendary tools as the rarity adds a ton of damage to help in T3 and rifts but outside of long cooldown schematics they're just RNG to drop outside of the triangle event you can spawn in T3 that will always drop one if you can handle it.

Are you referring to people who use all the buttons on their controller, can move while shooting and have more than 20% accuracy? Seems to be what qualifies you as a sweat these days.

Correct and you can do that in every other mode. Ranked is supposed to somewhat mimic actual CDL play so that's why the rules are what they are.

Go complain to the CDL and if you can convince them then it will likely change here.

I think people on reddit or doing themselves a disservice to themselves by coming on here with super long rants about shit they can just ignore and not partake in and move on with life and instead come on here like they're here to save them from themselves.

I don't like any of the major sports yearly release games so what do I do? Don't play them and certainly don't talk about them.

This is what I was going to say. Probably some amount of people who had it off, hit join and then got up to do something or just wasn't watching the screen until the game music came on.

Nothing to see here folks just a complete pile of internet trash who has had one too many rejections and much like his dog shit skills in CoD must also blame this on something other than himself.

More than likely so that account farmers can't easily get access to this although one would think Plarium would likely be making more money off that anyways.

Potentially that and then since they're already having issued it'd possible they introduce a flawed kill cam as well. We know from past CoDs that plenty of stuff in their kill cams don't always properly represent what actually happened such as not showing smoke when there was or showing when there wasn't.

There other half is do people actually use kill cams to get better or is just always a way to explain away how the game screwed you or someone was cheating? Stopped watching them a couple cods ago and my experience playing went way up as it not trying to validate what happened in each death.

South American sink hole?

Congratulations you have won the stupidest response award.

Unless he's playing against bots someone is winning and he doesn't even specifically say if his whole team does bad or just him. So pretending they're trying to make intentionally bad matches to get you to buy a new game is just dumb. It's not like they advertise the new game as "now with better matchmaking" so from a standard marketing perspective it's never good to make any of your products look bad in hopes they will buy something else from the same brand.

Matchmaking can only look at historical data to try and match up and can't account for if someone is playing like dog shit for numerous reasons or refuses to change their playstyle when the team they're playing against is playing in particular way that gives them an advantage IE if they're all camping and this person is still running in solo and getting shot at by multiple people or just people in better positions.

Clearly you have zero understanding of what EOMM and even still assuming they're using it here.

EOMM is a formula that attempts to match people for maximum overall player engagement.

So if your answer to the OP is EOMM is intentionally finding much better players then you clearly don't understand what it's trying to do and/or what the word engagement means.

Then you look into the real problem, this person is ass at sniping and is trying to hard scope while standing out in the open on the smallest map shipment.

The enemy did nothing amazing, he clicked the button to slide then used a gun setup for no recoil and shot him. Like what do we expect? Enemy players walking around the corner then sporadically shooting missing 90% of their shots?

EOMM or SBMM can't force a player to stop making clearly stupid decisions.

Because getting insta gibbed at close range with some of the higher TTK SMGs just feels like you had all the more control of the outcome?

If you're constantly losing to slugs on a grenade launcher it's you buddy.

I'm guessing research to you is about just assuming how your brain works is correct? Your assumption is what? It goes on gamepass for free and they only get paid when someone buys the game? If that's what you think you are literally retarded and lazy as fuck.

How they do deals is all over the place and gets negotiated based on what the company is trying to get out of it. Some of them ask for a flag cost up front, some based on usage and many others just dependant on what the company thinks is best and obviously some amount of negotiating.

Would be easy to say in the case of you claiming us evil Americans won't touch this game that they ask for money up front that ensures a profit and free exposure to us evil Americans to see if it's worth putting future effort into or going off downloads to see if the name carries enough weight. Plenty of options here and they're able to take as much or little risk as they want depending on what they're looking to get from it.

Gamepass wouldn't still be going strong if publishers weren't making money.

Then you should be playing PC. I 100% guarantee you there is exponentially more games available there than on Playstation or Xbox.

Yes Microsoft will say that because this isn't their only revenue, they make overall shit tons more than Sony.

Their strategy is around making money not making Reddit love their console the most.

Call of Duty like it or not as a franchise coming to game pass will take way more people from Sony than this will from Microsoft.

You don't need much of a PC to run this so if you have to buy something else to play this you might as well go there and then oh wait you could just play it for free at that point with better support.

A lego game????????? Holy shit those are so a dime a fucking dozen who cares.

I don't, it's a Japenese company taking their old games, doing very little of anything to them to repackage and sell them.

This is probably more of a "hey remember Marvel VS Capcom" and see if they generate enough hype to make a new one than anything else. It's not even listed as coming to PS5 so they didn't even bother fully porting it there.

I mean there's more to it just playing PS4 games if they want it to run right specially for an online game. It's not like the PS5 is running the same hardware and software as a 4.

There's a chance it only runs well on an actual PS4 otherwise I don't know why they wouldn't say PS5 as that doesnt imply it's an upgraded version specifically for PS5, just that it will run there.

Do they even still release games that have just the PS4 logo or aren't they all downgraded PS5 games at this point?

Damn, you should take all your sweet internet guessing knowledge and apply for CEO so you can save them.

Oh wait your just some rando who has very broad assumptions on the long game here. For all we know Microsoft ends up turning "xbox" into a console that just plays PC games and eliminates the having to program for their specific console while providing a more obtainable gaming PC for the masses and then all those PS games on PC are free game.

It's not coming to PS5 so I think I can just hold onto my PS4 if I'm holding out for 20 year old games to get a collection released.

If you want to prove this right you need facts to which you've brought none.

The only fact I can find from Capcom is digitally they sold 1.4 million units between 360 and PS3 in the short time they were available.

Sorry can't imagine it takes millions of dollar to port this game and the fact it's not even porting directly to PS5 shows it's most likely out of laziness and that they may just be doing this primarily to get this back into Evo which is owned by Sony.

No idea who's buying this on the switch, no actual MvC player is playing this on joycons so the portability is useless and Nintendo tends to have the worst online so I do not believe pure monetary gains from the sale of this collection is the purpose of its release.