them all going in different directions seems like a bad idea for stability and effeciency

8 is old enough to get into dual line flight... meaning you can steer and control the kite.

there are 2 bit types of duals, framed kites and foils.

for beginners I would go for a foil kite. some thing like a 1.8 symphony by HQ kites is perfect. it's fast, can handle a crash, you can attach a long tail to it if you want and it's really fun without having enough power to hurt anyone.

if you want a kite to just put up and forget about, look into F-tails. they are really beautifull kites, cheap and they fly really well.

links to those:

and for the f-tail

I just found the right people, not OP ;-)

on your job, don't solve other peoples problems for them...

you can teach them how to do it themselves, or point them the right direction, but never solve it.

once you do, their problem becomes your problem... removing any motivation for them to learn how to solve it themselves and adding the problem to your own taskload where it shouldn't be.

lots of people care... it's our politicians that play games with it. as usual

if it where up to me, we would have done a training exercise along the ukrain border months ago with ten f16s.. they would have lost their way and landed on some ukrain airstrip, the pilots would be driven back across the border and we would be outraged that the ukrains took our airplanes and demand they return them as soon as the war was over and russia was out of their country... or else...

u can use the find command (if find(value, array)=true then...

and can kill your business if they spread info like... he posts pictures I didn't want online, even before I could inform my mother I was married... and there you are with your contract..

they payed you for your work... if they don't want you to post, you don't.

could you edit the name out? I found the kids and am in contact with them, confirmed right.

I edited my post to remove the name, conctacted the daughter already, waiting for replies,

Kinderen gevonden en gecontacteerd.

is bevestigd door één van die kinderen dat het de juiste personen zijn.


update: his son replied and it was the right person. he sent me the contact of his half sister to propose them to her. I contacted her and linked this conversation. hope she sees it :-)

update2, OP en the daughter have each others contactinfo... solved :-)


edited for privacy

found his son, pm sent, and message sent on facebook to his son, don't know him so hope he sees it

exact same review could go for any quad kite... nothing particular to the reflex

walks on stage...

you think he writes drafts...? haha hahahah hahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahaha

ah, new customers... yes, join at the end of the waiting line please...

where does it go to? the next waiting line, where else...? welcome to foreverland... where you'll stand in line for ever, and ever, and ever, and ever...

Pray with us, Pray for our souls, Pray for yours

Join us at 1-800-666-666

and the last number is 5...

whooohoooow, I won....

oh, no, guess you did

"bet your mum isn't happy about the competition Drew..."

[meta] in belgium there used to be a garage called "malfait" translating to "badly done"

about the entwives, i found it strange always that the hobbits talked about "magical moving trees" in the forrest near home but then when the ents ask about them they denie any knowledge of them..