Not having to really check in with anybody. Sure I’ll let my family know if I’m going on a weekend adventure but it’s nice being able to just go by myself somewhere and not have to get permission or anything like that

CSGO. I think it’s a very good competitive tactical shooter. I have zero interest in playing it

Eating less and regular exercise. That it. Minimal diet changes I still eat the same just less of it

I’m only playing on very hard and it’s not my first rodeo but I’m currently level 97 and haven’t died yet, not even doing a perma death run

That fight took me more tries than the king fight. I still remember when I finally killed the twins I felt like a huge weight lift off my shoulders because the fight becomes so much easier. And not just panicking the whole time

I lost count but it was at least 50 because usually after 10 tries I’d set the game for a bit. What sucked is when you thought you had her move set down and she throws in one you forgot about

At this point they could do a full PlayStation days of play 30 minute segment about the game on the official channel I’d still think it was a April fools joke or something


I feel like Mr house is not lawful but that’s just me

Favorite ship name from my favorite sci fi books. And my work horse weapon is my overseers guardian or my furious assault rifle. They both just feel so good to use

My go to is the doll. I think she low key is pulling all the strings

I wanna say the original lords of the fallen because it was so bad it made me think the new one has to be dog shit so I’ll never play it again

I usually workout at home but the gym I used to go to had a zero filming policy. If someone saw you even setting up your phone leaning on another machine to get an angle they would kick you out. I’m a big fan of that

Same way I do with any crossover. I feel nothing and has zero effect on my life. It’s essentially just free press


Isn’t 3-NV-4 and 76 basically the same but just with customization in the latter?

These people think they can leave their car running in San Francisco and it’ll be there when they get back

Well yeah because I’m not about to leave it for some raider to find

With sheltered beds proper defense food and water you can get to 80. Then everything else is bonuses

I think the gameplay and world building is amazing. The charecters storyline are ok at best.

I don’t care where they put it as long as they make it good. It could literally be a city under a city and I’m fine with it


Very fun wish there was more to it than raider boss or raider killer