Most of that is included in the 2.7% of GDP

Tbh I think they just hate PC players. Intentionally disabled ultrawide (Everything renders in 3440x1440 incl. cutscenes but they paste black bars on the screen), 60fps cap, no effort to improve performance to even reach that cap, etc. etc.

If you roll forward through the roll on medium dodge its like a three frame window otherwise its a dice roll whether or not you are caught by the back legs of the pig. The attack hitbox should only be the tusks, there's no reason for a reasonably perfect roll to get caught like that.

Gaius charge is wack and consort cross slash combo is wack , sorry. Have beat them solo twice each now. They are indeed dodgeable, that's true, but the sacrifices and conditions necessary to do so are just silly. WFD is more forgiving because you can dodge that on almost any build.

In regards to final boss, its the cross slash combo that he can do randomly and suddenly that can only be dodged using very specific positioning.

Bayle is not that bad, his hitboxes are good they're just different from normal dragons because he is a different model.

No they are not lol if you have med dodge on there is seemingly a 25% chance you get hit or even double hit while dodging through it. The only reliable way to not get hit is to equip light load, equip BHS, double jump over it with torrent to one side, or i-frame it with torrent dismount. Thats not a good thing. It should be reliably dodgeable even on medium load.

Hell, the boss v boss slop videos are already coming out and his hitbox problem is front and center in those. He hits godrick or somebody and then does triple damage randomly.

Its not even like WFD when you kinda know when its coming. This attack just happens. Causes the fight to just be endless fear and anticipation knowing that its coming and that if you don't instantly and perfectly react to it then you die.

The problem is that rolling it is incredibly tight, virtually requiring light load or BHS to not randomly damage sometimes, and attacks should NEVER be only jumpable. This series is built off of rolling. This game and all previous games teach the player that rolling forward through an attack is rewarded, and then Gaius appears and dunks all over the existing precedent.

Just because the charge can be jumped does not mean the roll isn't extremely jank. The roll still should be possible without making huge compromises or rolling dice. Not to mention that the attack can double or triple hit. I was watching one of those boss vs. boss slop videos with Gaius and when he charged over other bosses it would do gigantic damage repeatedly over and over in one charge.


Also, you're playing the extremely gay space game for your 75 subs so if you have an issue with this kinda stuff then you might be in the wrong line of work. I mean, who am I kidding, look at your raid report man lol you're in the wrong line of work either way

Sorry, I'm being mean. Do whatever floats your boat

Raids Cleared: 0

If you are on Lucky Pants you should have on Warden's Law tbh

But right now for hunters its knighthawk and still hunt

Raids Cleared: 0

What? Double primaries, one of the worst rockets in the game, one of the worst hand cannons in the game, with one of the worst subclasses in the game paired with a mostly obsolete exotic (in GMs)

Just asking to get kicked at that point. Not to mention that his title of choice is Champ.

I'm not saying OP is bad or wouldn't contribute but LFG creators aren't here to take chances with build experimentation, they are here to clear the GM in a timely manner. For every 1 of this guy there are 100 hunters who are most likely a million times more effective

No, groundwater. Florida is at sea level and experiences rain virtually all year long so you don't have to dig very far to encounter water.

I live in bumfuck nowhere Virginia and have bus service, bike lanes on every street, and sidewalks. I can walk, bike, take the bus, or drive to the grocery store. Thats the semi-rural US. Larger towns and cities have even better walkability and public transportation.

Yes, Texas is bad. Most of the country isn't texas.

Fun fact, almost all of the US is like that. When people post American walkability ragebait its virtually always Orlando or Houston. Then people circlejerk in the comments about how a 9831510 sq. km. country is entirely just like the single subdivision of Orlando or Houston in the TikTok video (cities that are home to 0.07% of the country's population).

The video is of Florida, it is virtually impossible to dig more than like 10 feet or so in Florida.

From an American point of view, this looks very strange. This looks nothing like any residential area I've ever lived in in the US