Yea. Never heard of anyone going on a sex holiday to Taiwan.

“Texas and Taiwan are critical economic partners that seek to drive the future of innovation,” Abbott said in the release. “Today, I am announcing two key initiatives that will help bolster our economic relationship and foster unprecedented prosperity for our two peoples. Both initiatives—an economic agreement and a new State of Texas Taiwan Office—will strengthen the economic and cultural relationship between Texas and Taiwan. By working together, we will ensure our people have the freedom and opportunity to thrive in the growing economies of the 21st century.”

I have a branch of family that were educated in Louisiana public schools are they are the ones who told me how terrible it is. There is nothing wrong with home schooling, bravo to this Mom

You could be right. I just know he is a big proponent of it

He has been taking testosterone since the early 2000s

You need to worry about an upcoming battle with some hair clippers.

This is probably a better education than 50% of public schools in LA can put out.

Democratic Party gas lighting doesn’t work any more. Joe Biden is using his religion to guide his policy here.

Same poll shows Trump beating Biden in Texas 45 to 36

So some Texas voters plan to vote for Trump and Allred together???

President Joe Biden just said he’ll drop out “if God tells him too”. Christian Nationalism at its finest.

The man has spent his entire political career touching people in rapey ways. Who cares about the source, you can watch the actual video on thousands of sources. Pick whichever one you want to watch that fucking weirdo in action.

He is in acting Governor right now. May God guide him in leading us through this trying time.

“Accusations”. I can watch so many clips of Joe Biden innapropriatly touching people. Did you see this weird one where he was stroking a black man’s arm?