I had one approved last Sunday so who really knows 🤷🏿‍♂️


I heard it was head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes 😏

💯agree but also think that’s when you research, train, and do everything to educate yourself regarding situations, conflict resolution, and protecting yourself/loved ones. The country is unfortunately vastly different over the last decade and people are so quick to shoot now, worry later and unfortunately, you may need to match force with force quicker than the past. I am a black man that was in the military and I own many guns now. I make it a priority to do everything I mentioned and I make sure my carry firearm is the last resort but I always carry when legal.

4/2, 4/3, 6/21. Ok here we go: 4/2 - 87 days later got it after reaching out to state rep. 4/3 (SST), still waiting but I get it since it’s a trust. 6/21, 9 days approved. It’s so hit and miss.

Had one take 87 days with state rep interjection, one take 9 days, and still waiting for my single shot trust which is at 89 days. We need transparency and a solid process but we all know that won’t happen.

Just marinating in yesterday’s and today’s juice 😆

Fire! Have you shot yet or just completed?

Not to rub it in because lord knows I know the struggle but I just got my 2nd approved like 20 min ago. I heard they approve over the weekend but was skeptical until now.

That’s the biggest frustration is no transparency or solid process. I have asked and emailed about all three and not once were they delayed status. They were in process with no other explanation.

No brotha 86 days and a state rep before ONE of mine was approved. Individual btw and still waiting for 2 more so not just you.

I snitched to my state rep at day 84, they responded day 85, agreed it’s longer than the average, they reached out on day 85, can approved today 86. I know many will get on you because they waited 1 to 2 yrs but times are changing so fight for what you deserve and embrace the changes.

A bunch of different ones but here’s a link: https://a.co/d/04wngyli

No I get it but if we want change we need to embrace and fight for it. Just my opinion I see so many make comments about the long wait times but it’s changing and let’s fight hard to hold them to the standards they are setting.

Yes individual. Communicating with my state reps staff they said it shouldn’t take that long anymore since I have my ccw and they know my background is clear. They also said it’s something they’ve been fighting for years so I guess there’s that.

Believe me it’s been more pain lately. I know the pain you’re feeling for sure!

😂 feels great but I also hate that a lot of us have to do all that to get them to hit approved. I still have two locked up but one is in a trust so I know that won’t happen soon. It’s 85 days for that and a week for the other one.