It has quite a few actually! There are some at Caprocks Canyon as well.

Hiked to the Central Utah Slot Canyons, a remote feature within Palo Duro Canyon State Park. While information is scarce, the slot canyons were stunning. The trek itself is challenging, with a steep climb out of the canyon to start the adventure. Additionally, the area is now in a restricted zone. If you want to see the path I took and check out the slot canyons, you can follow along here!

My brain just thought that was a rock you were squeezing under until the camera had the whole pipe in focus.

Thank you for watching and I appreciate the kind words!

Very cool about other caves in the area! I'd love to know more about some of the smaller caves at Enchanted Rock And Garner State Park!

I went out looking for caves at Palo Duro State Park and found two: Big Cave and Catarina Cave. Big Cave is easy to get to; you can park right off the road and walk up to it. It is steep, though. I then went on to find Catarina Cave. It's harder to find, and you definitely have to crawl through it. If you're interested in seeing more of these caves, you can check out the Cave video.

Most likely not, but you could ask during your next appointment.

Antivenin needs cold storage and can have severe reactions so most vets will want to administer it under observation. Additionally, snake bite survivability in the US is pretty high for humans and dogs even with delayed treatment.

Some of it will depend on what features you are looking for. Can you add some details?

They aren't allowed. From the campground rule's page, "Gas canister backpacking cooking stoves are ok, but all other types of flame/fire are NOT permitted."

Take propane. There isn't going to be enough dry wood for a lot of cooking because it's a high use area. Everything is going to be picked over.

It depends on the faire. Some passes are for the weekend and others are for a single day only. Which faire are you looking at attending?

I'm mostly an audiobook reader. I always look at the Wikipedia article after I finish a book. It definitely helps with putting names to how they are written. It's definitely helped a lot and the book is still fresh on my mind.

They will check bags but it's mostly just a glance and a lot of people bring flasks in their bag. There are also off duty officers all over providing security. Anything can happen but being mindful and you'll probably be fine.

Shouldn't be an issue for most trails as long as you are respectful. You would also need to be camping and not just there on a day pass.

Gorman falls does have a close down time and they clear the area. I think it's 10 pm. But I've done late night hiking around both parks and never had an issue.

Agreed! It is a very cool park and I'm looking forward to spending more time there! We climbed up the backside too and it was pretty rugged back there.

Recently took a trip to Palo Duro and got to explore the Lighthouse with my buddy Waffle. We started with the Paseo Del Rio Trail to the Lighthouse Trail. We came back by the Givens, Spicer, Lowery (GSL) Trail. If you have the chance to do this hike, take the GSL! The GSL is a more interesting trail. If you want to see more from the adventure, follow along here!