I think they are people just like me. If they ask for my help or I see someone in need I try to lend a hand. 

For real. Last 3 nights we (group of 8) were there, $70k

I went full on enjoying life throughout my 20s. Zero ragrets. 

Routing table and a little experimenting will get you there.  They have bits for any profile you would like to accomplish.   I paid some one to replicate on our first home and wasn’t overly impressed. So on out second home I just started toying with it. Not only is it vastly cheaper it’s very enjoyable and rewarding. 

Are you handy?  That piece is two passes and 2 router bits away my friend. 

Nope. I go HARD. I try to out do every year. WE STILL LIVING!  I love it. I’m shutting down the whole block this year. Food trucks, live music, beer wagon. It’s going to be great. 

I grew up in a giant old house. Now I’m raising my family in a giant old house.  Bought it when there were 3 of us and now there are 7 of us. These houses were built to fill up. Get to work. 

5mm but I got 5 kids so I’m still hustling. 10mm is checkout time. 

Minneapolis water is great. Duluth’s water is unmatched. 

My squint game is as strong as my pullout game.  Source: Have 5 kids. 

I do this just so the guilt of using single use plastic doesn’t gut my soul 

More like triple.  That’s about the size of my house and when I got quotes they were all around $50k.  Ended up just doing it myself and then getting it inspected by an electrician. 

I keep cool and wait until they are done. Then ask if they are okay. Depending on the degree of spaz I will state that they just had an emotional outburst and want to make sure they are okay.  It humbles people pretty quick. 

I’m all gas on everything I do. When I work I get it done. When I relax I’m cool as a fan. 

We learned our lesson early on with this same incident. Never again. 

I love 80s and 90s action. The sets, stunts, effects are so much better than all this CGI MARVEL BULLSHIT. 

Router common boards with a Roman Ogee bit. I did this to replicate the look of our homes moulding after gutting 2 of our bathrooms.  Turned out great and blended seamlessly. 

Most my friends are from Grade school and middle school.  On average I’ve known my friends 30 years.  No we don’t talk everyday.  I don’t talk to anyone everyday except wife and kids.  But we get lunch, go out, sports and music, party, etc.  I can go months without speaking to some of them but pick up like I just saw them yesterday. 

Nothing you would do to this bathroom Would improve the quality or craftsmanship. Leave it.