Ruger Rabblerousers

Chris McCandless killed a moose with a .22lr

Ruger Rabblerousers

Just four pixels

I would sooner pay an assailant to go away than get involved in a knife fight.

In the roughly 42 wars between the Norman Conquest and (debatably) the early part of World War Two, England and France spent more years at war with each other than years the US has existed.

Most of the other bounties abuse… people, you know?

I was going to say how much I’d like to see the events that happen between the original and Road Warrior, but I think part of the charm of Mad Max is that you know there’re at least two major global disasters going on in the background, but the story itself is almost completely independent of them.

The half-sized extraction rod on the full-sized pistol looks a little… wrong

We take the story of Adam and Eve at face value?

I think we all see a little of ourselves in the self-indulgent seriousness of it. Most Halo fans grew up with the series, probably drew the same brilliant conclusions at some point, and were excited to share them.


The first 45 minutes of Full Metal Jacket

If you have a working brain, you can bring yourself to critique it. It has all the out-of-touch tonal problems of Gone With the Wind, but somehow they chose an even worse subject matter. There is actual children’s media with less whitewashed depictions of genocide than that movie.

I wouldn’t have as big a problem with it if it was just Jacob’s thing.

AD is a Latin abbreviation. The order of words doesn’t matter in Latin grammar.

Oldest “sniper” I know of is Benvenuto Cellini. He participated in the Battle of Rome, 1527 on the defending side. His autobiography has him picking out and shooting Charles of Bourbon, as well as Philibert of Chalon, the Prince of Orange.

This same autobiography has him going to the Coliseum at night with a necromancer priest to conjure diverse and sundry spirits, so take all this with a grain of salt.

Instead of buying a fully made game at launch, you wanted to… pay more… later… for the same amount of content?

Nothing about politics, or the football stuff, or the fans, or her personal life: I just think the media is saturated with Taylor Swift right now. It’s getting boring, is all.

Probably not, but we shall see