I can drive on a dirt road at walking speed with my wheels spinning and my breaks squeaking. Or was that the frame of the car being stressed by minor contortion?

Partassipant [2]

You need to make a safe escape plan the same way women in abusive relationships do because this has all the same controlling and punishment aspects. Go to the concert, have fun, they put all your energy into stealthily escaping step by step. Open the new bank account at a different bank and start siphoning money off to it gradually. Get your birth certificate and any other documents you’ll stored safely somewhere outside your parents house. Take on extra work you can move to save in the new account. Look into what shared living arrangements would cost you in the area where you want to escape to. Use school resources to see what your options are. Can you delay a year while you get back on your feet? The biggest lesson your parents are teaching you is that you can’t stay in that situation with them. They want to hold you down and bend you to their will. You’ll a lot of support here.

My Mini Cooper could do this. Please tell me they made that puddle themselves for filming purposes.

They’ve been waiting 5 years to get the truck they pre-ordered that was supposed to be ready 3-ish? years ago, so they’re taking them out to test all the features the company said it would have, and everything is breaking.

They have 4 or 5 recalls going. Panels have sheered off or peeled back at highway speed. Windshield wiper stops working because the motor can’t handle the size/weight of it. Can’t see out of the rearview camera if it gets dirty, and you can’t see out the rearview mirror if the tonneau cover is closed (which is recommended while driving), massive blind spots. Overhead control panel falls down. Edges of metal panels and the door speakers are sharp enough to cut and draw lots of blood. Overhead glass panel has cracked from heat. And at least one guy experienced uncontrolled acceleration while he was standing on the the brakes (skid marks for 50 yards) and plowed into a neighbor’s wall. And that’s not getting into how many are turning into bricks for no apparent reason.

Yes, definitely watch it, and start with Season 1. Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant is a joy, and so important to how Supergirl develops as a hero and a person. S1 is also pretty critical in the relationship between Alex and Kara, and Chyler really nails the complexity and emotional turmoil that Alex has to live with. Plus red Kryptonite Kara has to be seen on the show to truly get how hot AF she is.

The things I like least about the show are that they cast Dean Cain and Kevin Sorbo, who are both right wing nut jobs IRL.

Alex’s coming out story in S2 is what got me into the show, and I wasn’t disappointed. And Katie just blew me away from the start. She and Melissa are magical together. It’s well worth all the stuff you won’t like. You can pretty much ignore Mon-El for the most part. Jon Cryer is fabulous in later seasons, even though you’ll hate him. Andrea Brooks was the perfect choice for Eve Tessmacher, and she really shows her range as an actress. Brenda Strong is amazing as Lillian Luthor and also nails that balance of villain, but also protective in a way of Lena. And Thomas Lennon is wonderful as Mxyzptlyk in the later seasons.

Thank you sincerely for the recommendation specifics! I had been thinking about that. My optometrist mentioned that might help with night glare but didn’t sound super confident about it. I will definitely look into those. And it’s usually only me in the car at night, so my reputation for coolness won’t suffer.

That’s what blew my mind. Did a woman actually buy one of these things?? Though if one did, I would be expect it to be someone in the military or a cop.

Don’t make it a “gathering.” Just ask your dad or your gay brother to meet up for lunch or dinner somewhere between where you all live. That way it’s not that you’re inviting everyone except SIL from a family thing.

I think it’s very telling that they are so wary of SIL’s drama or being upset that they feel like they can’t do anything without her. Maybe her whole identity is being the “woman” of your family and she’s viciously defensive of that. It’s effed is what it is.

This is the answer. I finally remembered to order one of these a few days ago and it makes driving 1000X more comfortable. If you’re short and have boobs, a seatbelt just slides up to dig into the side of your neck. You have to readjust it about every 30 seconds to keep it from choking you. The clip brings the lower attachment of the shoulder strap closer to the center so instead of going across the top of your boob and into your neck it goes between boobs and over your shoulder.

There was an earlier post of this same one in late afternoon sunlight on top of a parking deck or something and it looked a lot nicer.

I hate the cop ones they have here! They are so blinding at night they make road accident scenes LESS safe! I have to put a hand up to block them from my eyes, which gives me a much smaller field of view. I don’t know why they make them in a way that feels like it’s piercing through your eyes into your brain. Fuck-off beacons is a great descriptor for them!

Based on the STOP indicator painted on the pavement, I think the agent is trying to make it look like there's parking by the trailer rather than an active road 1 foot from the front steps. "Look! Pink Cybertruck! Pay no attention to the rooooaaad."

Atlanta, somewhere north of Midtown. This could be the one that takes me out of the running in the elimination game.

Partassipant [2]

My thought as well. She's going to have a heat stroke. Let your mom know this is not safe for your sister to do.

I never noticed how absolutely flimsy the front grill looks before I saw this angle. The 1970s window unit AC in my mom's house looks sturdier.

Fake! That car they're in has actual grip handles above the doors and the overhead control panel isn't falling down. And some of the surfaces are *gasp* rounded and curved! /s

Someone else has had the overhead control panel that the visors are attached to fall down

DJ USA is available for weddings and birthday parties, but not bar mitzvahs

I don't know how they still have any employees at the service centers. Wouldn't they just quit when you saw the avalanche of shit headed their way?

There's another recent post where the owner said he was going 15 mph down the street when it started throwing codes and warnings and slowed down to 4 mph and he had to pull over. Imagine that happening to you on the highway in CA. https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1dryvmf/500_miles_a_high_mileage_record/