The UGLs that I am looking at, their prices are way higher than that. I guess I need to keep on looking.

What brand and model of tire?

Ok Fun and Activities Police, share pray tell what Fun and Activities do you approve of for these energetic lads?

I’m sure you’ll have them playing a rousing game of eat the crisps and be a stick in the mud, along with a stick up your butt.

Yeah, get these kids back on their tablets and sitting in front of the telly.

You must be fun at parties.

I’ve done the same. Ended up having a training session on how to use, told them to bookmark and use it going forward.

B12 shots of just B12 pills? And how much?

If you are stretched that thin, then I would put it on your company or maybe even you for not getting temp drivers.

Get some free consults with different lawyers. She IS having an affair. I am sorry you are going through this.

I would recommend the /divorced_men subreddit, great group of very supportive guys.

… to even get me to cum.

I’ve been twice, I found mostly junk. Low quality products at average prices.

I will enjoy reading it every time I am there

Haha, thanks! CF really is awesome. A bit pricey but really worth it if you stick with it. I found the benefits super positive, not only the health and fitness benefits but the camaraderie and friendships developed too.

I have a couple of extremely introverted Techs working for me, MSP. They still have to interact w customers but can handle 85% of it through ticketing and Teams.

One has a 2 year degree and a few certs, while the other has a 4 year degree and a couple certs. The Tech w the 4 year degree is fresh out of college.

I would hire someone w a couple certs and no college degree and experience, as long as they were a hard worker and were willing to learn.

Some MSPs can suck more than others. But I would recommend doing it for a year or two for the experience and then move on.

Uhh, I’m single and use to do CF. This post makes me want to sign back up. 😂😂

Not last night… my main evening activity was eating Tums, sleeping in a mostly upright position, trying not to puke and regretting my eyes being bigger than my stomach and my temporary lack of self-control. 😂

Uh, yeah… I just ordered a large 3 topping pizza and then just ate half a large 3 topping pizza. Oof!

🦍 Buckle Up 🚀

For those that don’t know what ESG is… me!

“BlackRock's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policy is to incorporate ESG data into investment decisions to improve risk-adjusted returns. ESG analysis considers risks and opportunities that go beyond traditional financial analysis. BlackRock's ESG integration approach includes…”

Whateva! Evil is still evil, no matter what kind of frosting you put on it.


Your sister gets nothing if she isn’t helping out. Unless your parents will it to her specifically.

I was talking about OP “ThREaTinG LeGaL ACtiOn!”

It makes them appear as if they have no real clue about the legal system / lawyers.

You don’t “threaten” legal action. You either take legal action or you keep quiet until you have taken legal action

You have a lawyer on retainer?

People that don’t deal with legal actions regularly threaten “LEgAl AcTiOnS”.

Please don’t make threats unless you actually have a lawyer all ready to handle something like this.