I have a few sealed tanks for sale, dm me if you want to work something out!

That is one seggsual breakfast

That dude flipped on his neck. G friggin G

I was but now I work somewhere that exceeds me. Everyone there is far more capable than me

He fucked around and he found out

I'm sure each of those targets has them in the back. Show them the barcode and ask them to check. That's how I got mine

I'm in the same boat after being at my current gig, only it's getting worse. Can't remember having conversations with managers and not taking the needed notes. Their frustration is palpable and their passive aggression is becoming more prevalent. I also have anxiety and ADHD, so I'm so scatter brain and their attitudes are not helping despite them being good teachers. I know I just need to write things out better, I can just never tell what I am missing

I don't think canon cares what anyone says either... it's Rex

Reach out to the seller to let them know your record arrived damaged and you would like it replaced

I'm currently on one prepping for the big GTFO!

I see folks talk about them all the time. GCC is good

Martha? What have you done with Madison Sinclair?

I think I'm going to sell my sealed one for this reason. I got the Coruscant guard ship too and am having enough problems with that one's wingspan! The only other option would be to display it on a wall mount.

When you go to any retail store that might carry it (I went to Target) ask them to check the back, show them this barcode and tell them what you are looking for


What is "other" to you? They're all over California

Slightly better than the Kenobi set with waaaay better figs

I love the inclusion of Starkiller but the omission of the sequel trilogy.

Because it's empty? Have you ever been to one on a Monday?