However, the dossier's most damming and widely repeated claims—Carter Page being offered Rosneft shares for lifting sanctions, Cohen meeting with Russian officials in Prague, and Trump being blackmailed by Putin with videos of his weird sexual fetishes—were all left uncorroborated, with some being outright disproven (e.g., the Prague meeting).

Roman Catholic

That's modalism, Patrick!

Because in 2020, big corporations were desperate to show off that they were doing something to fight racism, even if it was in ways that were utterly inconsequential and nobody asked them to do.

The same media that made a circus out of every single tweet Trump sent? The same media that spent years closely following every single investigation against him? The same media where anchors continually ran coverage for things like the Steele Dossier long after its central claims were found to be unsubstantiated? The same media that, up until a week ago, consistently covered for Biden and insisted that all the concerns about his mental faculties were just Republican conspiracy theories?

If you've been watching the news for the past 8 years and concluded that the vast majority of media is somehow pro-Trump, been downplaying everything he's done, and unfairly biased against Biden, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

By your logic (harping on something you don't like out of the blue = secretly being attracted to it), half this site is turned on by conservatism.

I never said there's never been a single reported case of it ever, just that it's strange and dumb to assume that as a general rule.

dirty Tleilaxu

Syndrome and Mirage deliberately sought out heroes who'd fall for it. That's why they were surveilling people like Mr. Incredible and Frozone—someone who's still performing heroics on the side is more likely to uncritically answer the call.

Can't wait to see what new buzzword replaces this so Democrats can keep saying this is the Most Important Election Ever Because Democracy Is On The Ballot (And This Time We Really Mean It).

I think it means just him denouncing other Catholics and accusing them of being illegitimate.

She said she was sorry, SMH you starlighters are so judgemental

In the comics, it's shown that environmental V exposure in utero is a lot more likely to result in what are essentially super birth defects.

Nah, Homelander was born the same way in the comics too.

What happens is that Mallory makes up what happened to Becca's baby in the comics as the cover for her disappearance in the show.

The message has always been clear, it's just that now they're far less elegant about it. Rather than establishing parallels and letting viewers connect the dots, it's basically just "let's have the villain directly quote Trump so the audience will know we don't like Trump."

On the other, apparently a lot of conservatives weren't catching on till this season either

No they weren't. Literally no one who watched the show for more than one episode, let alone all the way up to the current season, would walk away thinking the showrunners' intended message is anything other than "THE PATRIOTIC GUY IS THE REAL VILLAIN."

The main reason why the "conservatives didn't know it was making fun of them" narrative keeps floating around on reddit is because it plays into people's confirmation bias. I mean, it's fun to imagine the other side is full of idiots who don't realize they're the butt of the joke and impotently rage about it.

I think it's just that bi people are stereotyped as having overly quirky fashion and home aesthetics straight off of Tumblr/Pinterest.

That's not how Presidential immunity works. It doesn't mean that a President can make an unconstitutional or unlawful order, or that he can't be impeached for attempting to do so. It means that he can't be criminally charged after leaving office for doing something that fell within the normal purview of his official powers and duties.

For instance, imagine if Trump's DOJ arrested Obama and charged him with terrorism. They argue that because he approved of the 2015 deal with Iran and unfroze Iranian financial assets, he gave money to a state sponsor of terror and therefore aided terrorism. Just about everyone would agree that was absurd—as President, he had the authority to negotiate with Iran and agree to treaties with them, and the situation is obviously different for when a private citizen does it vs. when a President does it.

Portuguese colonists sleeping with hot native Brazilian women.

More specifically, the "prime directive" comes from Star Trek and refers to how the Federation is banned to not interfere in non-members' societies. So in this case, the "egg prime directive" presumably means not to try and coax someone you suspect of being an egg into transitioning.

And that Vine comes from this video by Brandon Rogers.

The joke is about how big media franchises nowadays seem to be creatively helmed by progressives who don't care about honoring the source material, antagonize the fans, and produce subpar schlock. A lot of them are women, and a lot of the fans they antagonize are male.

It's saying that men should get revenge by infiltrating the Lifetime Network (which makes a lot of romance movies targeted towards women) and getting them to make movies that pander to men.

American Vandal. It's a parody of true crime docudramas like Making a Murderer, but the crime they're investigating is "Who spraypainted dicks on all the teachers' cars?"