I’ve had double vision for almost 5 months. My diagnosis is new so I’m sure I’m not functioning as well as maybe I could be eventually. I’m only on mestinon and haven’t started any other treatment.For now I’m being encouraged to consider an eye patch to help with the double vision and for comfort as my right eye is really bugging me.

For the most part I’m a no effs given person and would have no hesitation about wearing a patch around. But for some reason, I’m getting hung up. It’s not about how random people perceive me in public, I couldn’t care less. But I think I might lose it if my boyfriend (who knows all about what I’m going through, double vision etc) asks me why I’m wearing a patch or says something ignorant to the whole situation which I’ve talked about many times. Like if I have to explain myself to the people close to me again I’m going pop.

So having said that, any positive feedback on eye patches? And maybe thoughts on “supporting” your support system. Even people who want to care and try to help can make little things more difficult.

Note: I’m ordering some See Worthy patches and some basic wear around your head patches. Thoughts on what works?