Look at everything Schwartz has been through with his family. Seems like he has been through a lot too.

I was talking about Ben Clark this whole time y'all. Ben Clark, ya got it. Noone else. Ben Clark. Get it, Ben Clark. The man who has completely moved own with his life and has forgotten about my crazy ass, who I've been talking about this whole time. She's such a tool. Get outta here with your dumb bs Becky

Not only is she a complete idiot for taking a sick kid out to infect other people, I'm sure the last thing that poor baby wants to do is go out shopping. Useless brohubs must refuse to take care of all three of his children at the same time.

I think we have learned by now that she doesn't really care what is fun for them. It's all about her.

Mom shaming a mom who does"mom duty" one day a week for having a nanny is quite fine imo. Whatever.

Who the F do these people think they are? The Kardashians? This is ridiculous . Can someone remind me again why she is on Teen Mom?

I don't really folllow her but came across this sub. So I've ove watched a couple of her videos on here. Is there something wrong with her? For real. Why does she talk like that

There's no way they sleep together.

We went to Florence and Rome last year. Admittedly I was nervous because people were telling us horror stories of people being pickpocketed, robbed or having their phones being snatched while taking a picture etc. I never really felt unsafe while there. But I was cautious and wore a glfanny pack in the front of me and my husband wore his wallet in his front pocket and a money belt just to be safe. Any time you're in a crowded area regardless of what city you need to be cautious and aware of your surroundings.

I bet you anything they get a double bed room.

Maybe I'm dumb but I don't get it.

It looks a little snug in the waist

Maybe she will start shilling some mood boosting vitamins or something. FR though if she is struggling with mental health issues and not just being her normal attention seeking self, I hope she gets help.

Took the words right out of my mouth

Jax "no matter how awful I treat her and how many times I cheat on her, I can't get her to leave"

I thought the same thing! He didn't just go for a quick ride he's going to be gone for hours. My husband would NEVER t (because he actually likes me) Tell me you hate your wife without telling me you hate your wife.

Duh . Silly me, how could I forget 🤦🏼‍♀️