To be honest.. I think most pro-piercing moms won’t post it here because it’s become yet another thing other moms will judge, downvote and attack. Kinda like the bed-sharing debate

This was my rationale too.. I get really bad keloids :-(. Currently dealing with one on my shin from a simple skin biopsy 5 months ago and my mom gets them too, so I don’t want her to deal with that on her ears. I got earrings as a baby and am personally glad for that and I did ask my girlfriends and all of them were happy with having them as infants. One said she was traumatized getting them at age 8 when she could remember it. I know that’s just anecdotal and truly feel that you should choose what makes you feel best. I felt it was best for us and made sure to find a pediatrician who would do it because I wanted it done as safely as possible. I do hate how this gets turned into something that moms judge each other for. It’s like the bed sharing argument… we’re told not to do it because it’s an actual safety issue, but most of my friends did it anyway.. and they did a lot of research to do it as safely as possible. That’s what was best for them while not bed sharing what best for us. I think it’s at a point where most moms who are pro-piercing won’t say it here because they’ll be unfairly attacked, downvoted, or judged when they’re doing their best

TTC #2, cycle 1, MMC 10/23, age 34

With my daughter it was 9dpo

In my current pregnancy I had a CLEAR positive at 10DPO… I didn’t check sooner by I suspect I’d have a faint vvfl at 8DPO

Employer 👶🏻👶🏽👶🏿

We found ours on SitterCity and love her. My bff found hers on a Facebook nanny group and loved her too. I think you have lots of options even if you can’t afford an agency! Good luck :-)

Love this. That MC would REALLY mess a lot of women up mentally for a while… “months” is not enough. So she may be not herself still. If she’s been a great friend before this, it’s likely that she’s mentally in a terrible place. I think space would be ideal until she’s ready again.. plus would keep stress out of your life in this first trimester. But hopefully, she’d come around with a bit more time.

TTC #2, cycle 1, MMC 10/23, age 34

It does go away as the weeks and months go on.. but ngl, the first trimester was pure torture. For each OB appt, I had high blood pressure and was literally shaking before the scan because I was afraid of hearing those words again. But once you get past the NT scan and NIPT, you feel a little better.. then after the anatomy scan you feel much better.. and feeling movements helps the most. But don’t be fooled, you’ll worry to some extent for the entirety of this kid’s life. I had a playlist of uplifting and positive vibe songs that I’d listen to so much… Wishing you so much luck!!

Thank you for that awesome anecdote!! I hope so ❤️

Thanks! I’m having #2 in 2 months so I’m bracing myself for the complete opposite because I’ve heard that’s just how it goes… but I can dream 🙏🏾

Same here, and she’s been an excellent night sleeper her entire life.. part of me thinks this is why (but it might have just been luck lol) second baby will be in a crib though again

Very baby specific.

Mine slept 6 hours at 6 weeks, 7 hours at 7 weeks, 8 hours at 8 weeks… and 10 hours by 10 weeks. I was very worried about it because I know that’s not the norm, but due to her instinctual cluster feeding in the hours before bed, she was gaining weight perfectly so it was all good. My parents said I was exactly the same way as a baby.

About to have baby #2 and I won’t be at all surprised if this one doesn’t sleep long stretches for a while. My sister woke up frequently as a baby. There’s no right or wrong way. Just how the baby is wired

No problem :-), wishing you so much success!

Did one cycle. Started on day 14 because I was still at baseline anyway. 5 days of 5mg, but no maturing follicles, so took 5 more days of 7.5mg in the same cycle and that actually worked out.

My only symptom were some minor hot flashes and minor irritability.. nothing crazy though

Good luck!

Tbh she was never a great napper, but we would get 45-90 min naps in the crib when she was smaller most days. But yes I think some sort of separation anxiety kicked in at 10-11 months that just made it impossible to get long enough nap when put in the crib. We tried some CIO methods but nothing worked. CIO worked for the few night time regressions really well (didn’t cry too long) but during the day, she’d cry the whole time if we let her

Love banana sugar replacements because my toddler devours them! Great job!

As someone who had a child free wedding, I completely agree. I was completely fine if they couldn’t make it due to childcare… no hard feelings. I feel the same about destination weddings. If you want to add the extra stress, money, and PTO on your guests, you have to accept that some won’t be able to make it and not be bitter about it

Yupppp I get my Evenings to chill and my nights to sleep in this dictatorship, so I’m good

She contact napped from like 11 months to 18 months 🤦🏾‍♀️ Slept alone in her kid through the night since 2 months though at least. Took my wins lol

Around 176 at 8w4d and 167 at 10w2d

Your numbers look appropriate because I’m pretty sure they peak at around 9 weeks then drop from there. Also depends on if baby was asleep. I wouldn’t worry about your numbers at all!

Employer 👶🏻👶🏽👶🏿

Well that’s 4% which is pretty standard in any industry. It would be hard for parents to pay more than that when their own raises are likely less that

MB here. You absolutely deserve a raise. She should at least give a good portion of whatever the full agreed upon raise will be. We’re in this situation now (baby is due in about 2 months), and even though I’ll be on maternity leave for 6 months, we’ll likely give the full raise as soon as baby is born since our nanny will likely help with the extra laundry and maybe even watch the baby 30-60 minutes some days if I need a nap. It’ll just be easier to manage and nice to know she’s being compensated to be an extra baby hand when needed sometimes.

But regardless, in ANY job, you should be compensated when you take on extra responsibilities. I would definitely make a list of all the things I’ve taken on and respectfully bring it up to her and ask for whatever amount of the raise you feel you deserve now vs later. It’s a hard convo, but people like that need it