lol and in a dress to boot, like I’d much rather see you be in normal 10 pm clothes

They literally drive me crazy I already got annoyed by her but the eyelashes take it to another level

I don’t understand why they post every little thing and make ten paragraphs about it

I will give him that instagram has a pretty common glitch that it’ll just repeat the third or fourth picture over and over again on a carousel even though you selected others. It’s pretty annoying actually

The whole thing feels SOO out of touch

They are literally some of the worst shirts I’ve seen

Yeah I sprinted here. The black doe? Huh?

Idk I just wish she would stop with the eyelashes I cannot concentrate on anything else. I swear they get more obnoxious with every video

Never heard of Jenna and Casey either but that is soooo weird to me they would choose an identical name?? Like huh

It’s so sad because her style was immaculately cool and cute. And now I don’t know what this is. I used to feel for her with her body image shifting but I can’t blame it 100p on that anymore — like she could still buy cute, not SHEIN coded gen z clothes???

Same. I think he seems very nice and I don’t discredit that but he talks SO DAMN SLOW I cannot take it

It should still be on her stories, but she talks about venmoing Amanda for something she was selling on one of her story sales, and then Amanda completely ghosting her. She then posted several replies of people saying similar things had happened to them as well

I saw it on last week’s thread but the stuff about Amanda InOrlando on Disney girl Gab’s story is crazy!

Wow and all the replies saying she has done it to other people before too. That’s crazy

Had never even heard of this shop until this but gosh they are such blatant copies lol

lol that makes me dislike her even more than I already do

I don’t hate them, I’m just mad that they’re doing this. Like wait five minutes please.

Taylor also posted like unfortunate looking pics of Emily I think indicating that it is what Emily really looks like and she Facetunes everything

lol same I can’t put my finger on it. I remember when she first started out a caption saying when she moved here she wanted to be a Disney influencer,, guess that worked out for her lol

The point is not that she wasn’t a runner, but that she started Rundisney around peak trendiness. She hasn’t been doing it for years and is now complaining more people are doing it and it’s more crowded than when she started or anything. She’s complaining even though she just recently started which is so hypocritical. Even if she couldn’t afford it you could say that about a lot of people. You just don’t know for sure.

I simply cannot stand her. Ironically, I ordered something from Etsy from her like six years ago before she blew up, they were like “Rae Dunn” mugs. but said magic kingdom etc. she was really rude to me about never shipping them, and needless to say I never received the mugs. I’ve had beef with her ever since.