“I can shooow you Arc Coooorp. Lagging, glitching, not woooorking. Tell me Princess where did you last set your spawn toniiiiight. A whole Arc Corp! A new, fantastic, rooftop view!”

“I hope she is as interested in suspension testing as I am!”

Takes a lot of energy to deorbit. Buddy must be tuckered out.

What you have here is some neat art. Without any technical information that’s about all anyone here is going to tell you. But surface level you probably don’t need two elevators and the wings aren’t usually that triangular.

Who the hell is defining g twice?! … no wait that checks out…

Star Piercer, the spiritual successor to Snow Piercer

Yeah, I know I’m bad at math. That’s why I got the computer doing my math for me…

Where monkey with pipe wrench? Me monkey with pipe wrench.

And then pull your elbow back to get that levering action.

Bet that’d make one hell of a phtoomb.

“Search your feelings, you know it to be true…”

Obviously it’s to blunt the ends of the horns so nobody pokes an eye out.

If they’re going to keep it we are going to need some really good seatbelts.

“Just look at the rabbits dremskiy…”

It’s clearly holding the whole building together.

“Thou shall not worship false idols”

Assembly looks fine, calibration is probably a little off though.