Jade warriors with the harmony bonus will hard carry you for cheap army comps, if you can get to the big sky junks in time grab some of those and if not just go like 3-4 cannons. Zhiao is melee focused so don't bring too many ranged but make them high quality, hopefully dragon crossbows to shred nurgle monsters. So like 2-4 crossbows, 3-4 cannons or 2 can and 2 sky junks, then about half and half Jade warriors and halberds. A celestial wizard is potentially nice if you can micro them, or any magic really. Miao is a goated caster. If you've got cannons you either give each a different big target or if there's something particularly nasty like tamurkhan or a great unclean one then you tell them to target that one by one so they alternate shots instead of all at once. If you've got the sky junks put them on fire at will and set em in front of the beefiest enemy infantry. When you get the celestial guard you're set tbh. Remember to kill any heroes around tamurkhan in battle before you focus have him, or lead them away with cav and goon squad Tammy

Id say three kingdoms if you want longer campaigns, Troy if you want shorter and wait on grabbing Pharoah until you can see what the updates are like. Unless you know for a fact you already like Pharoahs current form

Others should generate larger returns from the work they do imo, investments are no substitute for labour

There is a copypasta for why fighting the lizardmen sucks and this is the Kislev version

Not true they have Santa's sleigh

Sorry they didn't make Putin bear riders

I'd say more poking, the beatings require specific techniques

I mean I vote liberal but it's not like they ever meet my standards/expectations, no matter how low I put the bar they consistently disappoint

True, either way I want an attempt at live action with cgi

I like how the worst part of that was being chained up next to dwarfs lmao

Do they call him bugman because he's so close to the ground?

Eh 40k tries too hard, it's just not even scary at that point

Sounds kinda cozy idk, a nice warm place to sleep all you want forever and free food when you get the nibbles

Just make the Skaven the protagonists and all the demons get rolled by wave after wave of warpstone bullets

Meh they should look jarring anyway, they don't belong in the mortal realm