I think mites can cause this, including the beak deformities if it's bad enough

I hate to be that guy but I do believe it actually was rock and roll. they were in a Christian punk band/skate crew situation and the dad had the ten commandments tattooed on his back

he looks like he's held up by a series of fluid-filled bladders.

I'm pretty sure the fruit and veg thing is because they give it a flash of nitrogen or something that keeps it keeping on.


actually I think that's how they did the opening for that song was having someone say that into a metal fan.

They require more pressure to make the cut and thus are more prone to slipping and taking a finger or something

Luna can come live with me lol I already have an Aussie mix and an active lifestyle

āš°ļøšŸ—žļø because they don't have a tampon emoji and the thermometer and tornado both looked stupid

Make a smore with chocolate chip cookies instead of graham crackers.

I read the ingredients list. She's trying to turn her anus into a hyperspace transport tube.

that's why I don't location tag anything. Keep em guessing. I also travel between states often enough that the search area is huge

I had to wait for my bf to leave before I could safely listen to the audio...I am really really uncomfortable

there's a whole movement dedicated to exposing and shutting these places down. Paris Hilton and Danielle Bregoli are just two of the loudest.

God has called me to smuggle books to Mormon children.