Sorry. CNBC posted this ( before market close) after the 50% jump. He might have been lucky entering the trade,without knowing about the VW/Rivian news.

Is Volkswagen gambling ? Let's hope they made the right decision.

These days ,many teams know how to defend. It's naive to believe England would have scored more goals. This is Euro 2024.

Both teams have 4 points. Why would they finish properly in the group stage?

He could trade homemade ice cream in his neighbourhood and make £200 out of £100 easily

🟩 :moons: 31 / 31 🦐

Thanks for sharing this very bad experience.This is crucial to prevent others from making the same mistakes. I hope you'll be even more motivated to recover.

What book? Any 5 star book on Amazon. Read the book several times,until you'll understand 50% of it,and read it again!

I would start trading homemade icecream a few hours a day during the summer season,and compound my ice cream side hustle to £383375,99 in 20 years.

Why do people continu trading financial markets,while other markets can offer them huge profit as well?

🟩 :moons: 31 / 31 🦐

Traditional scams continue to be the most prevalent and lucrative type of fraud. Despite being smaller,crypto scams are a significant concern.

They sell courses to generate (extra) income.

Many traders have found success and profitability in the markets with proper education, research, and risk management.

The effectiveness of stop losses depends on various factors, and traders should use them in conjunction with other risk management strategies.(position sizing,trailing stops,etc).

Beginner traders usually have a more narrow and specific view of the forex or stock market, focusing on individual currency pairs,stocks or specific trading strategies. They may not have the same level of knowledge or experience to take in the broader market trends and factors that can impact prices.

"if he tells you about that,then you.." he might never tell, take more risks ,be broke within 6 months...blame his friend,and end their friendship.