R u losers buy in game ha ha ha ha wtf buying in Ea trash company

Becouse it is a pure trash game from a trash company that got soft trashEameatriders as a playerbase, the game is so scripted and manipulated and so far from what football really is so people that isnt on the same paytowin server as you are dont mind to give up becouse this game meens nothing, absolute nada, salute to all of you who destrying for these Esport wannabees....

Pure trash company, pure trash game, the script is in youre game Ea the biggest scam there is....

Yep Ea is a pure bs company and their games is totally trash, but so are their "players" my lord these people are retaarded.

Bs game, trash company, soft playerbase.... would not survive one day outside moms basemment.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha Ea meatriders be like: woooooooow a fantastic new update !

People: have they fixed the gameplay, is their scripts gone ? Have the finally fixed a fair matcmaking ? Is there new servers for everyone ? Is the game a fair online game know without and hidden benefits ? Is the menus working without freezing now ? Etc etc tec ?

Meatriders : Noooooooooooo they fixed the playercards !!!!

Iiiiiiiiiiits a traaaaaaaash game frome a trash company ha ha ha ha Ea meatriders are the most stupid idiots i ever seen in my life, goddamn you are stupid.

Handelsbanken decision in youre life ? To pick a online card that dont exist, man what kind of life do you live when a trash game like this is the hardest time in youre life ha ha ha

Still playing this piece of shhhhiiiiiii* game from this trash company and you complain like a biiiiiit*****h ha ha ha ha i cant say that i feel sorry 4 you, let me guess you will be back at their next game this totally trash company puts out and once again you will sit and cry online again ha ha ha you guys are unbelivble,...

Pure shit game, shit company and there is aways some Ea meatriders who want some extra "coins" to spend

Pure shit game from a shit company, nothing more nothing less

Ea is the most trash company in history whith the most trash fanboys meatriders there ever been, buy in game reetards....

Ha ha ha ha Ea meatriders be like " iam buying packs in game " played this piece of shit "game" for a week and throw it in the trash where it belongs, pure trash game, trash company and pure idiots to a playerbase.... :)

Who cares, never a Ea game again, pure bs company

This game is the worth football game of all time from the most trash company in history. Pure trash.

Absolute not, played this trash for about a week and uninstalled it and gave it a away, first of all the game is pure trash, the servers are trash, and Ea as a company is trash, so nope never again an Ea product, my kids is not alowed to but their trash either.

And also, buy in game must die, this is a cancer we as costumers needs to smash, nope never again, keep youre servers, their trash games, and their " help forums " with reetarded volenteers....

Ha ha ha ha ha you guys are like dogs, a trash company scam u on a trash game like Eafc, their trash servers are not working, idiots who buy the game continues to buy in game, their trash game is totally broken and manupilated, scripted and this year they dont even hide it, and you morrons are thankfule for trash Ea at least give youre an intrest in women football loooooooooooooool

Looooooool imagine buy a trash game like EaFifaFc and than pay in game ha ha ha ha whats wrong with u guys, first the game is pure trash, second the company is the most greedy trash in the world, third this thrash game have absolute nothing at all to do with skill....

Everything with this game and company is a joke, played it for about one week and uninstalled it and never in a lifetime will i get another Ea game, what a scam, pure trash and for me it was free on ps + lol

Nothing in this game is worth it, its just pure garbage

Played one week when i got it and i was done with it, i uninstalled the game and gave it to a friend, i played it at hers place for a week ago and its the same rubbish game as it was when i boight it.

Me personally aint vuying any Ea products again, cant stand Ea as a company and Eafc is just a scam. I wish everybody to do the same but i see same people talking about how they should bojcott Ea and a couple of hours later plays rivals and champions again, gaming Ea games seems to be an hell of a drug ha ha so happy iam standing on my word and not playing this crap....

Guys instead 4 talking do it, its the same talk week in and week out without any action, i played this crap for about 1 week then i uninstalled it and not played the " game " again, in fact iam not buying any game from Ea again, why ? Becouse they are a scam company and i cant stand how they treat people.

Just do it or not but stop this riddicoules threads week after week after week, you guys look stupid thats all..

Lol who cares, better of hacked than idiots playing this piece of shit game, be happy, go out and get youself a Gf instead.