Congrats got your pound of flesh. Dry your cloths off and prepare yourself because he can't as easily fix what you've done.

Of course definitely. Avoid very real very obvious concerns and just soak in the affirmation and love bombing.

Every species has a natural mode of reproduction, many demonstrate lifelong monogamy. Why wouldn't humans have a 'natural' way?

Let's be real, it will lead to harm. It will lead to hard amongst the adults and children. This shit messy af when it falls apart.

Respect is an earned emotion. You are entitled to no one's respect. And you have done nothing worthy of respect, objectively, on the basis of this post.

It's isn't defense of nuclear family. It's defense of monogamy which is proven and effective.

I don’t see how having more parental figures and adult role models would complicate a child’s life

How about when you disagree on how to raise the kids? That's already a challenge when there's only two people.

or how having more support would complicate ours.

How about when you and your husband are arguing so your husband is commiserating with your bestie and now it feels like they're ganging up on you.

You are making soemthing that will be complicated.

This situation will not in the end result in a net positive for the world. I'd bet my last dollar.

A man wouldn't be expected to care for his wife in such a situation? Gtfo. Stop acting like any expectation or standard applied to a woman is a female exclusive sexist standard.

Just because Harry potter is scripted doesn't mean the people are fictional and doesn't mean their actions are fictional.

There's a difference between a recording of real life events and a fictional act stop conflating the two, and stop conflating the act of looking at other monkeys fucking to cheating.

That's like saying Harry Potter is real life because it's real people being recorded.

Is a woman reading 50 Shades of Grey cheating? Because if so there's a lot of cheating fucking women out there lol.

It kind of has to be for your logic to be consistent.

OK we're clearly not operating in reality here if you're equating porn to FaceTime with an ex. Don't hurt yourself reaching so hard.

That isn't how cheating works. Words have meaning and you can't just make everything subjective. Did he deceive or trick her? Did he act dishonestly or unfairly?

Being sexually unfaithful rises far above a solo act in your own home that doesn't involve another live human in any way.


Fine. Then so is Instagram, that's porn for women.

Lololol the pics you posted! Bless your heart, get a real job.

One of the most sinister things I've read in a book was when a faction put a sterilizing gas in earth's atmosphere and just waited 100 years.

God even your phrasing here is scummy.

Obviously, he took that the wrong way

Honey, you said it the wrong way.