Float like a turd

Sting like a baby wipe on your hemorrhoid

Fair enough. I don't think we're getting to zero in our lifetimes but I think we can at least mitigate what happens in the decades to come. More than that depends on our culture around guns a lot

What should we do about this? Knowing that, from your perspective, POC and possibly men are The Problem™. What's the solution? Remove them from society? Make them second class citizens? Post about how their "culture" is the problem?

Are you voting for candidates and platforms that support that? Or are you voting for conservatives?

Real question, because most of the people who say guns aren't the problem also refuse to support universal healthcare, UBI, and other public welfare measures proven to affect violence rates via reducing economic desperation

Well, the research I find via said search bar overwhelmingly indicates it would NOT just be something else instead of guns as you suggest. So I'm interested what sources you're looking at that are concluding the opposite

Wait, but why don't you mean men? Men commit the vast majority of murder, overwhelmingly often compared to others. If you remove men from the stats there's no real murder problem to speak of. The same thing you're saying is true of POC, is even more true of men. But you're not saying men are the problem. Can you explain that?

Show me your research. Peer reviewed through NIH only please, YouTube videos and tabloid articles don't count.

Uh, except it's definitely not the most recent. People didn't just stop studying American gun violence 10 years ago. There is more data available than ever before.

Except that's bullshit and gun control laws have a clearly demonstrable effect on gun violence, here and everywhere else in the world

Don't believe conservative news media talking points, believe independent peer-reviewed research

The idea of us assuming someone is a responsible gun owner until proven otherwise is so backwards. But m'framers of the constitution and m'NRA paid justices who say being in a militia has no bearing on whether you're in a well regulated militia

The same people who say "it's not guns, it's mental health!!!1!" are also staunchly opposed to mental health care and consistently vote against platforms that include benefits to public mental health

If you're trying to say gun laws don't work Chicago is a terrible example because they'd have even more murders with more guns lying around.

But I've also had this specific conversation on reddit along the lines of "gun laws don't work just look at <city>" three times in the past few weeks, and it's never ended with the other person being willing to accept peer-reviewed research that doesn't affirm their beliefs. So you can see why I say that I'm pretty burnt out on this argument because nobody cares anyway

Multiple POS's, actually

Are we going to do anything about this, or just throw our hands up and say "boy golly I wish people respected each other more so there wouldn't be a 9 victim shooting at a hookah lounge"

For myself I really don't feel a positive to it at all. I wish I could just be normal.

I've had good allistics therapists. I respect your personal experiences but I don't think it makes sense to conclude that the majority of them are trying to virtue signal or something rather than help people.

It's all about positioning, taking smart routes, staying with your team if you're not going for a flank. If you run out in the middle of a street near the enemy point, you're dead.

Do you vote for candidates who meaningfully address the factors you see as responsible for gun violence? I'll assume mental health is on the list. Do you vote for platforms of universal healthcare to improve that issue?

I love how hookah lounges are the problem here rather than guns

It has what meaning and community that we seek

On the Cusp

Normalize telling your homies you love them

I saw bands of a very similar size - 1A, naturally - and while I won't lie and say it is easy, I absolutely believe a group that size will be able to put on a satisfying show and compete within their own category. Maybe not high scores, but they can perform to a level that is satisfying and fun as long as there's buy-in.

If you can emphasize everyone playing every note, great stage presence (incl great performance posture), and keep the players not too far from the 50, it'll be great. I'll take 13 clean and committed performers over 80 average ones. During HS my state's 1A bracket was consistently led by a band not much bigger than this, although the cap for 1A was much larger than they fielded due to also being a small private school.

(Full disclosure FWIW, I marched corps and taught HS, but I am not a band director or music teacher.)