I thought I remember seeing one in MN but not at MG location. I don't remember seeing it at Panama city beach.

USA🇺🇸 120V 60Hz

Thanks for the info. I am going to figure this out and hopefully get something next paycheck. Of course i have to figure out how to hold one of these on its back still.

Projecting onto the ceilingBuying Advice Wanted [I’m located in the USA]

I am looking for a projector that can project vertically onto a ceiling from the floor. My living room is 25'x25'x12'. The walls are very busy so I am thinking about just projecting onto the ceiling and then laying down on the couch. I am slightly worried about projectors overheating if I set one on it's back. I have been looking at some $250 dollar projectors on amazon, but I have not found many that state they can be used in a vertical orientation. This one does look like it could work, but ut also looks suspicously like cheap garbage. I am not picky about quality as this would be occasionally used for kids movies. Not a permanent fixture and not frequent use so i don't want to spend a bunch. I have speakers in the ceiling that I can connect via bluetooth or cable. Only input I require is HDMI but casting/apps would be a plus. I have browsed amazon a bit but I will be doing more research over the next few days. I am looking for any suggestions on potential projectors and comments on the whole ceiling idea. I will post back with my own findings and hopefully a photo of the finished product soon. I live in the United States.

I ignored this after the first call but when the second voicemail a few days later sounded exactly the same I knew it was a scam.

Looking for something like HTC vive gen 1Question/Support

I am looking for a vr headset like screen to display the video feed from a set of stereoscopic cameras. Thinking about the requirements I am coming up with essentially an HTC Vive gen 1. Now I can't buy enough of those old things to make this project a reality (as it may be scaled up to a number of setups). I am looking for something else off the shelf or homebrew that will serve the purpose but also be in stock if I need more. The requirements are 1 video input (hdmi or dp), focus adjustment, pupilary distance adjustment, decent resolution, and low latency. I do not need any "smarts" on the device and my latency requirements basically rule out any wireless options. I have thought about getting a Google cardboard type rig and putting a 7in rasberry pi display on it if needed, but I was hoping for something else more off the shelf. I did try a cheap toy from amazon called "goovis" but the screen was so small and looked far away. Does anyone have any ideas?


And now the classrooms all leak tea. But don't drink it.

I could probably afford the vet. But someday that dog will meet my shovel anyway.

$15 is before taxes and also not realistic in many parts of the US. The Midwest is still at about $10/hour minimum wage. After tax it is very similar to your pay. But the "cost of living" here varies wildly. Some parts of the country are easily 4x more expensive to live in than others.

I do it all the time. But the concatenation for the alarm I do outside the AOI using alarm bits. Because I cannot put my ALMD block in the AOI.

You would need to include string tags in your AOI and assign them values by hand. Then you can pass those into the alarm message. There is no easy way to get the tag name into the logic.

Vba for hmi and sql for database. Pretty easy to learn if you know python/.net

What if I told you, I was in all the steps at once in a single scan.

I know nothing about Voron 2.4s which is the problem. I prefer the devil I know. Lulzbot is entirely open source so you can get really customizable on just about anything. But I hear the bed leveling is bad.

So do you friend if you are in Minnesota. The twin cities are served by Werner Electric (now Van Meter) and also EESCO, a subsidiary of WESCO. I prefer EESCO.

They are not collaborative. You need to put them in a cage.

any comments about lulzbot Taz workhorse? Thinking of pulling the trigger on one.

Hello, Budget is $3000. USA. Willing to assemble if needed. This is for an engineering lab. Use for prototyping and some models that will be used on production lines as part of the manufacturing equipment such as End of Arm Tools and brackets. I am not selling these parts so they don't have to be pretty, but they have to be durable. I have used a Lulzbot Taz 6 at a past employer and was very happy with it. Is there any reason I should not buy the same one now?

Hey S5s are amazing. Still the fastest PLC t get online with.

The problem here is all those spring terminals. You need to get some nice new screw terminals.

TT is ANSI standard. Any process/ chemical/controls engineer should know that.

The job market for controls engineers is really good. It takes 6months to find anyone to hire in this field and even then there aren't a whole lot of people out there to hire. We had a job req open for over a year before we could find anyone to fill it.