Im an American who dislikes Trump, but his rhetoric has had little to do with Imperialism (outside that time he wanted to buy Greenland). He and his administration pushed geo-political isolationism pretty heavily

What a fucking series man. I’m obviously rooting for Florida every year, but I really hope this Edmonton core can grab one too

I’m well aware lol I’m not a 10 year old, if you were around at all for Biden’s vice presidency it’s apparent he had a speech impediment. Forgetting what you’re talking about mid-sentence, jumping to a new conversation topic, losing your train of thought mid sentence is not a speech impediment, my guy. It’s dementia. Go back and watch Biden talk in 2010 vs now. Biden himself has said “I’m an old guy” and “I’m in good health, it’s just my brain”. 

You can just be honest and say he has dementia lol. To act like this is just his speech impediment is insanity. Biden’s still the best of the three options with the dementia

FLA - NHL :60406:

Plus a Jack Adams winning coach. In fact the Canucks management and coaching staff is top notch all round right now. The window is finally opening

FLA - NHL :60406:

Oilers and Stars should be on here as well. Oilers have a very good core and have managed to get really good depth this year and now next year as well, while the Stars have a ton of young budding talents

FLA - NHL :60406:

Our defense did a great job of limiting Bob’s workload this season. If they can play as effectively as they did this year, I think Bob will absolutely be able to make another deep run

FLA - NHL :60406:

Anton Lundell is the first player drafted in the 2020s to win the cup? Pretty cool 

I know the point of this post was to troll and needlessly shit on Matthews and McDavid, but, the material itself is interesting to see what young players are already contributing to cup wins 

FLA - NHL :60406:

I feel like that finals is memorable but also controversial

 1. Birth of the trap  

  1. Claude Lemieux wins the Conn Smythe

 3. Devils came out of nowhere to win that finals, seriously look at their record and points total (keep in mind it’s a strike shortened though) 

 4. Red Wings were a heavy favorite 

 5. Start of four straight finals sweeps


Ah thanks, that makes sense. Seat doesn’t look at risk at all, but thought it was interesting his share of the votes dropped 20% 

They only have Reform at two seats. Seems like a lot of the exit poll’s reform seats are now predicted conservative on there. 

Why did Starmer do so poorly (relatively) in his constituency? Is it a far left constituency that wants someone more left?

Every team loses pieces and I honestly don’t think we lost that much. We lost some really good depth pieces, Montour will be missed for his offensive production, and Senko was a great third liner. But these aren’t losses that break teams, we have a lot of good depth coming in to make up for the losses of OEL, Stenlund, etc, and we’ll get to see if Mackie can fill Senko’s shoes.

Theres no reason to be worried and no reason not to expect another deep run

That’s how I feel. If they underachieve in December again, at least my fucking Panthers won the cup (and their title defense will be in full swing by that point)

We also went all in way too early. We should’ve kept Wilkins around instead of crippling our cap flexibility by going all-in on vets who couldn’t even bring us a playoff win

I make sure to follow other baseball teams so that way baseball is watchable. The Orioles are a blast to watch this year 

FLA - NHL :60406:

I’ve seen a map like this for college football, Miami-Dade county has the University of Miami and Florida International University. FIU plays closer to the center of Dade than Miami does, so my Alma-matter is sadly left off of the map entirely for FIU lol

As big of a jackass as Farage is, at least he can coherently communicate his points without completely fabricating information or forgetting what he’s saying mid sentence 

Me too, I am here completely out of envy 

Some people on this thread: “lol starmer is old”

Me, an American, after seeing his birthdate: “Oh please god give us someone his age”

You need to expand on that UW thing brotha I don’t think anyone here knows what he did there 

I’m still taking it all in. Florida Panthers, Stanley Cup Champions. Going back and watching old games from this core’s rise to prominence, reliving heartbreak, and endlessly watching game 7 highlights