To everyone calling it a left wing conspiracy theory, I listen to Steve Bannon's podcast on occasion and he is DEAD serious about it. It is like a MAGA fantasy where they dismantle the FBI , and get rid of intelligent career people and replace them with thousands of Trump sycophants like Kari Lake and MTG. Maybe you don't listen to all the stuff that's going on at these Mike Lindell "symposiums" or these Charlie Kirk conferences but these people are planning and mobilizing to do away with the government , as we know it. Trump may not follow it to a tee but if the idea was brought about in worship of him, he'll be all for it. If anyone is talking about such radical ideas, it should be taken seriously.

I think the immunity decision was what to be expected. You wouldn't want a future Trump administration to try to jail Biden for his border policies ( for ex.). If a former President gets charged with doing something "unofficial", they still have to go to court and explain and defend themselves. It's the lower courts that have to make the distinction, which should be pretty cut and dry.

You gotta love the "flexed" explanations. Like, if we were notified of this, we couldn't make an reasonable assessment.

Same here. There could be 15 of us kids, playing hide and seek in the summer and sledding in the winter. Did you ever get scolded for asking if someone could eat over right in front of the person?

If I was THAT thirsty, I might take a sip from the hose but it's hard to get past that rubber taste. My dad used to be able to whistle real loud when he wanted us home for dinner. In the evening we would make sure we were home to catch The Brady Bunch and Partridge Family.

If Bannon and Kash Patel tell Trump this is what MAGA wants, he will go along with it, especially if Democrats are against it. Trump never came up with any policy ideas. He just listens to right wing media and trys to figure out how it can benefit him.

That's exactly what I thought at first. I was like, I'll take a pass on this one. I know that linen has a crinkly look but this is kind of giving me a pajamas vibe.

I can see it being pretty hard work, taking pictures of yourself and posting every day, trying to keep track of what photos go to Reddit, and which ones go to OF. A salesperson has to be selling 24/7.

I was told, by a very smart and trustworthy social worker at my Dad's nursing home, that when we aren't there, my Dad is doing fine and doesn't complain about anything. It's when the family shows up, that all the complaints about aches and pains and mistreatment occur. It's pretty common for a resident to "play the family" for sympathy or defiance. That could explain it.

I guess the flyer, the Trump campaign sent out, that threatened Trump supporters if they didn't vote for him really worked.

I just think switching a candidate now (if possible) would be too confusing for voters. They wouldn't feel comfortable voting for someone they don't know that much about yet. It might also make the Democrat party look a little disheveled and impulsive, much like the Republicans. It's funny, though. I heard someone on conservative media saying that if the Dems want to switch candidates, conservative lawyers will be ready to contest it in court. Which leads me to the they think that Biden is too dangerously unfit for office, or not? "We don't think he's up for the job, but if someone else decides to take his place, we will fight it in court". They don't even know what to be against nowadays.

When I am doing someone else's house, I try to find out where they are going to be and stay as far away as possible from them.

What's the scale say? It looks like you've been lean bulking. You look good but it it takes more time.

If your immune system is compromised (or if you are overly paranoid), you would probably just leave it on instead of taking it on and off ten times a day. My father's nursing home is asking people to wear a masks now, for whatever reason, so it is not that uncommon. I am sorry for the people it bothers so much. That would suck having to constantly stress out about what other people do.

It doesn't look bad. I can see you pulling it off once in a while without much fanfare.

....and also fooled by someone who has been arrested and convicted, that it was this big conspiracy to take him off the campaign trail rather than him just being a run of the mill criminal.

I had a candle wax stain on my new, untreated picnic table and the internet suggested that I used mineral spirits ( paint thinner). I was nervous to try but it worked great. Make sure you use the clear kind( not turpentine). I think it just dissolves the oil and you can blot it up.

I just think if the Dems tried to replace him, at this point, the talking point from the right would be that the Democrats are chaotic and not unified.

I suppose the lower court will have to determine if Trump's speech or inviting people to Washington that day, encouraged or incited a riot. If so, I guess Trump's lawyers will have to argue that inciting a riot could be an official act. For the last time, Obama didn't personally press the button that released the bomb that killed someone. The military makes these specific decisions. Being in charge of the military is a job of the President ( official act), unlike lying about the results of an election. Wasn't this "American" fighting with Taliban. I forgot the details. If so, I don't know what else to say.

Weren't we at war and the military was engaging the enemy when this happened? I don't know why this even gets brought up. If ever there was an "official act"... it is this. It's a far cry from calling a secretary of state and pressuring him to do something with the vote count so you can win the election. I don't know why everyone is getting all stressed out about this ruling. Normal Presidents don't usually break the law and you can't arrest a President for policy decisions, like military actions or immigration policy. We knew there had to be some immunity. With Trump, there just going to have to go back to the lower courts and argue about which acts could be considered official acts. Things that Trump did were obviously not. It's just going to be a long, drawn out process.

That's even better. Especially with the small brush attachment. Then you can get up there and do the fan vent as well.

Bounty paper towels. I've tried them all and nothing compares. Zep (yellow cap) stainless steel polish. Again, I've tried many other brands. Generic bleach spray, generic Windex with ammonia, magic erasers, Swiffer dusters and microfiber clothes. That's all I need. One more tip... don't dust with a damp cloth. For example on base boards or the top of the toilet. If you just wipe it with a dry microfiber cloth, it wipes the dust right off. If you use something wet, you'll smear the dust and hair around and you'll be there 5x as long.

Everyone can talk about policy issues to they are blue in the face. I don't hate all of Trump's policies. I certainly don't like all of Biden's policies. What people have a problem with is Trump's outrageous behavior. They've never seen anything like it and they are not comfortable with it, plain and simple. If the Republicans had the courage to realize this (and put up someone a little more normal), and not just make it about policy differences, they would probably have a smooth path to the White House.