Is outer thighs safeSeeking Advice
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Mini first aid

this is the best i can do. i plan on adding bandaids asap (we dont have any!!!!). this is just a day to day thing because i worry about people getting hurt alot.

  1. glove





  1. a piece of cloth you could wrap around injury

  2. this elastic thing that in hopes could be used to slow down bleeding

  3. chap stick

Rate my thrown together "first aid" bagGeneral Question

this is the best i could do because we don't currently have bandaids

  1. gloves

  2. Bleed-stop

  3. Antibacterial+numbing stuff

  4. i always have a cloth+something that could cut off circulation to slow bleeding

  5. face mask

  6. Kleenex

  7. chap-stick

Wait times

My wait time was 12 mins… then 10.. then 8.. then 9.. then 12.. then an hour. Then over 2 hours.. does anybody know why this is?

Not to get politcal or anything like it is a bit more than a few weeks old

Another teacher story

Today i was having a panic attack and a teacher (who i have spoken about in thsi reddit before i love her) noticed and asked if i wanted to see the counselor. I denied at first but eventually went down. She was super concerned but also when i walked into the counselors office she like switxhed to serious mode immediately. Usually when i go down i calm down on my walk to her office and just need some quiet. Today i was still breathing weird yk, what you do whilst panicking. She understood completely and i dont get that from many adults. Also funny story she had kids in her office at first and they all looked at me and told me to sit down immediately because they all said i looked like i was about to pass out lol.

I asked her about it and she still insists it was just because it was on her way. Im bot gonna push it but its still so sweet.

I’ve actually writen her a not before too. I bring her baked goods sometimes too(i offered and she accepted i wouldnt bring any unless i knew they where wanted)

I tell her everyday. We have a fistbunp and a high five everyday aswell.

Thats super sweet. Its nice when there is that nice break from yelling and stuff to just have a nice interaction.

My teacher

This teachers is pretty observant and knows me very well. She is the sweetest person ever and generally a great teacher. Today especially during her class i felt like sh!t. I couldnt think straight, major brain fog+a headache. I was really tired and honescould barely talk to her like i usually do. I did my best to keep up my act per usual. Whilst “talking”, on her way to grab somthing from across the room after class, she stopped and picked up my stuff off the floor from under my desk for me. It was such a small act and i didnt realize until after i had left but thinking about who she is and how well she knows me, she definitely did that for a reason. Considering im usually very high energy around her she definitely knew somthing was up. I appreciate her so much. She has done so much for me in the past aswell and i havent even known her for a year yet. Tldr: my teacher picked up on me feeling bad and did me a minor favor but it meant so so so much.

Idk how this would work for peoplw who struggled more than me but whatever. Scratch, not cut, and put icyhot on it. 

Thank you so much

Yay! Keep up that streak

Alternatives to cutting :/Help Needed

Im teying really hard not to sh. Im teying to avoid cutting and i used to dig my nails into my skin on my hands and arms but i got caught very quickly with that. What is anything i can do just to ease the urge for a little bit. Also preferably either on my upper arms or legs or really anywhere easy to hide Im almost always in pain of some sort so along with emotional reasons when im not in pain or not in high pain espe after a high pain day it makes the urge even stronger. So if thia helps i do it for the pain.

I feel like alien blues is obvious but i gotta say it

If you can stop at cvs or walgreens or whatever they have powdera for atopping bleeding. Stay safe out there.

I agree that i will likely never have to go that high but ita more about starting as low as i can and getting as high as i can. I dont wanna have to play an a chromatic scale when i can get lower just to ahow off my high range aswell

Help?Seeking Advice

Im trying really hard not to sh. Im teying to avoid cutting and i used to dig my nails into my skin on my hands and arms but i got caught very quickly with that. What is anything i can do just to ease the urge for a little bit. Also preferably either on my upper arms or legs or really anywhere easy to hide


Im almost always in pain of aome aort so along with emotional reasons when im not in pain or not in high pain espe after a high pain day it makes the urge even stronger. So if thia helps i do it for the pain.