:Charge_Blade: *ZAP ZAP ZAP* :Charge_Blade:

Zinogre's theme is cool but he's overrated, fuck Magnamalo, and Valstrax ain't that bad, he's just a falcon dragon with weird wings.

:Charge_Blade: *ZAP ZAP ZAP* :Charge_Blade:

As I've said before , I'd do a whole series with 5 films following a young hunter from his home village where he accidentally comes across Fatalis and manages to kill it, to him being part of the First Fleet of the New World.

Unfortunately I am not allowed to voice my opinions about these individuals, so I'll stay quiet to avoid getting banned.

:charge-blade: Charge Blade

Really? In my experience Charge Blade is much weaker and the monsters are too fast to land SAEDs.

I read this as "Do not the sink".

:Charge_Blade: *ZAP ZAP ZAP* :Charge_Blade:

Alatreon. He's just kinda like me fr. Jokes aside, I like that he's powerful and stands proud, but unlike other forbidden monsters, he actively seeks isolated regions to avoid causing too much destruction. Also his horns are awesome.


Shagaru Magala, Nakarkos, Ceadeus, Jhen Mohran, Ahtal Ka and Amatsu (and also the Rise serpents):

Charge Blade/Alatreon

You know what? Fuck you! *daytimes your Castle Schrade fight*

:Charge_Blade: *ZAP ZAP ZAP* :Charge_Blade:

I've tried Lance in GU and it's pretty good.

TIL Natrix astreptophora exists.

This is in Europe. We don't have ringnecks. Also ringnecks don't have that body pattern and their rings are... how do I say this? Full? Rectangular? Basically, natrix have a black ring behind their yellow ring that cuts the yellow ring in half, like this.


Yup. Frogs, mice, rats, birds, eggs, fish, you name it.

And where N. natrix aren't found, their cousin Natrix maura takes their place. Although maura tend to stick more to the water than natrix.

I know this is a bot but the wetlands habitat part should be changed a bit, maybe "This taxon covers mostly wetlands" because believe me they are everywhere. In your basement, in a hole in your yard, in the chicken coop, in barrels, in canals on the side of the road. EVERYWHERE!

That's a Natrix natrix if I've ever seen one. One of the most common snakes in Europe. Fun fact, in Romania, we call them house snakes because they're everywhere.
