isn't that just the default model but reskinned ?

the last one is a master piece guys


makes a game mode the requires 18 characters of each 3 elements (that's about 42 total for the entire 7 elements, oh did I mention its "at least" )

why are people so mad ?

(Do I even need to start talking about how even RNGs could still fk you up even if you had the 18 characters ?)

tbh 57 is still very large for a 1.0 game .. what are the devs cooking there xD

using the information form the launcher, the game is going to be about 60 GB, which is still too much for a semi-open world game tbh ..

Was planning to give the game a try if it was like 20-40 GB or something, but damn 110GB (after extraction) is just wild, I guess I'll pass then.

"the greater the mass, the greater the gravitational pull" -Issac Newton

yes decent means that it can be used to clear that content, and I don't think that you can clear a floor with Beidou for example xD (unless you have like a 5* weapon with cracked artifacts, then even Amber can do it too lmao)

heizou, beidou, thoma, kujou sara (if you dont have Raiden nor C6), razor,
faruzan (without a decent DPS and don't say heizou cuz he's not stop coping),

are not decent

I don't think Elctro + Pyro + Anemo has 18 decent characters (unless you have like all the 5*) ..

not really no, in HSR you mainly focus on AoE characters, but in this mode you have to level X character just be cause you need to pass the "must have 4 characters in team" rule, even if that character is useless ...

people in comments are forgetting the fact that building non-meta charterers isn't really worth it ??
like, if I didn't build it for Abyss then even if I leveled it this new game mode, I would still only use to pass the "4 characters" rule and that's it, its not going to see the field. Also let's be honest here, some characters in genshin are so damn useless that not using them is dps increase ...

can we get to see how much shield is left now ? it has been like 4 years and I still don't know how much shield or what buffs are currently active.

I got so used to exiting then re-entering, I didn't even notice this button exists.

never felt immersed in DEF artifacts ?

This is OUR script now (I give you a star on the repo tho)