Sure, except you've cited a relatively recent English ruling and OP lives in North America. So unfortunately it's you who is legally and morally incorrect.

That depends on your default position as to how the ashes are owned re the two parents.

So two yeses to keep the ashes whole and one no for separating them out?

YTA, those ashes belong to your husband too. He should be able to have a say in what happens to at least 50% of them.

Trump would be an absolutely terrible result for Canada. He does not give a fuck about us. The least of which is that immigrants hate Trump, so we get all that overflow now.

A lot of them were created in protest to changing Canada's flag from the Red Ensign.

Why are these people all stealing? They should be paying for the game.

This is what happens when you leave the Common Wealth. Fools.

Terror. These people are supposed to be some of the most powerful men in the world. How can this be the best the human race has to offer to lead us.

You can have some apps play sound though Bluetooth while simultaneously having other apps play sound through your phone.

Finding "subtle cues" from a character's past to turn the character into something no one ever envisioned.