The corners of your mouth naturally drag on a bit; giving your mouth a wide appearance (naturally cute). The dahlia piercing further accentuates the width of your mouth even more so. So it's like, ultra wide. But if it makes you happy and you like them, maybe consider more vertical piercings (I feel like Angel Bites/fangs could do the trick) to help balance it out? I think it looks good, though, just wide, lol.

Hannya and Peony Was my first thought.

I feel like it could use some... idk... mesh. Or bracelets, but overall, you're killing it! Have fun & be safe!

Every time i bring this up, all they do is bring up the whole "God gave us free will to test us" bit. It is super frustrating and, by that point, not usually worth my time... and I hate it... because I KNOW they feel like they won or something.

Amazing, I love tongue splits so dang much!

Keep the sash, it's cool... just for the love Baphomet change the color to like blue or something! 🤣

I feel like it's missing something, but it's a good start. Smooth jacket though, ngl.

I'm sorry for the confusion. It's just a reference to a horror video game. I was just having a good time with your spooky surccumstaince. I truly hove no real answers for you. Forgive me.

I thought there was already bullet drop... this explains so much.

Is it foggy outside?

Does the radio only play static?

Answer me, OP... please 🙏

Just in time for Dinfast! These look great!

Twisted Metal: Black

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 3: Eat my Snake Baby


If you can stomach the price

Silent Hill 1/2/3/4/Shattered Memories

4 hunters, a history nerd, and to mass shooters.

OP, your cat did NOT bite your monitor! Just turn yourself in! It's suspicious enough that you were using a power tool all might last night and accumulated a wild amount of "off pork" that you had to throw out!

It gives Visual Novel adaptation. I love it. However I'm VERY curious how it'll hold up! Please update us in like... idk... 5 years or so.

I usually just put on a D Beat Playlist and see how I feel about it. If it makes me smile, if it gets me moving, etc... That usually get me thinking, "Well, guess I'm punk... today... at this moment, " I say "at this moment" because I believe you are what you are at the time of you doing the actions of what makes that title what it is. I also like industrial and Goth music too. You are allowed to listen to other things, you are allowed to be you! Everyone starts somewhere. But don't you ever think that just because you're not exclusively listening to Punk music/going to shows/being a cliché ass punk makes you less punk! Because the secret sauce to it all is where your political views are and how those beliefs/views line up. If that's all lined up, then it doesn't matter how you look or what you're listening to; the Punk is within you! You can't NOT be punk if that's all lined up.That's the make it or break it imo.