:flag-az: Arizona


I just have to admire this spelling error, cuz Trump really did put the 'ass' in cassinos 🤣

One paper says 'Boy I'm constipated' and the paper next to it has an arrow pointing at that statement and the text reads 'It's your fault for zooming'. Hope that helps.

Andromeda started off with a decent premise but it quickly went off the rails.

See - Hitler On Ice!

See - A Viking Funeral!


In the first two photos, is that the Starlink launch from tonight?

Wonderful photos, they definitely set a mood.

I love that look he gives Bobbie when she's stuffing her face full of cucumber sandwiches.

It may be childish but could I please have " I did a boom-boom in my nappy! "

It was a unanimous vote! The biglyest win you could possibly have! 34 counts, 34 wins! Big strong men were coming up with tears in their eyes from the stench coming out of my diaper, telling me it was the best conviction they've ever seen!!!1!

But seriously, fuck that guy and all of his enablers.

On Facebook, on a sign on their door, on bumper stickers, and in conversations with strangers

Don't forget ol' Billy Bob who's got a Desert Eagle strapped to each leg and a rifle slung over his shoulder just so he can order his foot-long meatball sub at Subway.

:flag-az: Arizona

I would say his lawyers for this case were probably much better than IvankaAlina Habba and her buddy in the fraud case, but when you have a client who wants to micromanage his own defense and forces you to do stupid shit in the courtroom there's only so much you can do.

The jury is charged with determining whether or not he is guilty which they did. As far as determining a sentence and what punishment is best for the crime, that is up to the judge.

:flag-az: Arizona

Oh you know he's going to blow up his truth social account tonight, it will be glorious!

Georgia twat but they're pretty much the same...

Does it have to snap its fingers twice to activate the cloaking device?

There are plenty of chips throughout the cookies, it looks like they sprinkled some extras on top before baking.

And pipes. Some of the best looking tobacco pipes are made from burl wood.

She's just upholding her part of the pact - you guard her when she poops, she guards you when you go. It's only fair...