We probably wouldn't write "s" twice, as Василий has just one of those. We could end it in "i", though, it was a popular way to do that at some point, unless I am mistaken.

Born on 18th of January 1885, with parents Vasiliy Nikolaev(ich?) Belyaev and Yelena Vasiliev(n)a (presumably took husband's surname Belyaeva; maiden name not listed). His full name would be Василий Васильевич Беляев - Vasiliy Vasilievich Belyaev. You can probably look each of those up for other variants of translation.

So, when was the last time you saw the outside world?

"My son didn't take the vax and he turned out fine!" "Ma'am, your daughter is getting happily married"

Okay, okay, this is a lot of different answers.

When building a new station of any kind, there is a switch/button in the window that opens - "Show catchment area". I don't remember the exact wording, but you should see it below options for a train stations, car stations, airports and ports as well. That, when active, will stay active by default and will highlight the area around the station. Your station then will receive and offload cargo from and to industries/buildings in that area. You can verify that, as in the very same station type selection window there will be listed the types of cargo that can come into and leave from this station once it is built. Same can be read once you have built a station in its window. Another button in station's window will show catchment area once again.

To increase catchment area, you can add more stations - it is especially commonly seen in towns, for example, when, because of town's development, the train station that initially serviced all of it no longer accepts Goods. The easy fix in that case is to put down a cargo truck station in the middle of the town while holding Ctrl. That will allow you to join this new station to the existing one, sharing their catchment areas as long as the distance between them isn't too great.

Shadow Ninja Credits Clan - We Love Casting Abilities

I actually sometimes have a setting that's just more or less vibrant default colors. To mention a few, Yareli, Nova Prime, Khora Prime, Ivara Prime. Mesa Prime looks pretty in her default, though I have a black-white-purple setting that I enjoy a bit more.

Shadow Ninja Credits Clan - We Love Casting Abilities

They actually did increase Stalker weapon drop chances in Jade Shadows at the cost of Dread, yes.

I can imagine the "bitchy woman" and the animated doll sitting at a table, with the former venting about her day and the latter quietly and very lovingly staring at her

Who needs E2s anyway

By Allah, you people are dogs. I will upvote as usual.

Just to clarify the other comments, all four of those verbs have different distinct meanings.

Мочь (может) is a direct translation of "can". General ability or possibility. - "He can go later" - "Он может пойти позже", - "He might be late" - "Он может опоздать".

Хотеть (хочет) directly translates to "want". That's pretty much it. - "Он хочет ее увидеть" - "He wants to see her".

Уметь (умеет) is a bit complicated - it is a " has the skills or qualifications for _, knows how to do _" that usually translates to "can". - "Он умеет готовить" - "He can cook / He knows how to cook", - "Он умеет играть на гитаре" - "He can play the guitar". This one might be different, however - just because he knows how to play the guitar doesn't mean he can actually play some song. That's where the distinction with the verb below lies.

Знать (знает) is a direct translation of "know". Like in English, it can be a part of a construction "to know how" ("знать, как"), which can then in some situations be translated as "can". - "Он знает русский" - "He knows Russian", - "Он знает русского" - "He knows a Russian", - "Он знает, как говорить по-русски" - "He knows how to speak Russian". Does not necessarily mean that he can play the guitar - just that he knows how other people might play it. - "Он знает, как играть на гитаре" - "He knows how to play the guitar". Does not necessarily mean that he can play the guitar - just that he knows how other people might play it.

Shadow Ninja Credits Clan - We Love Casting Abilities

I think that's a bit off with how an Aura forma costs 4 Forma to make and it's only for 1 specific slot. What about a Universal Forma costing 6-8 Forma to make? Massive investment that massively pays off. 48-64 forma for a fully universal warframe.

Reminder that animals aren't that different from corporations: if they can fuck up the ecosystem for short-term profits, they will

Shadow Ninja Credits Clan - We Love Casting Abilities

Never before have I ever been so offended by something so correct

Shadow Ninja Credits Clan - We Love Casting Abilities

Honestly and genuinely

Skill issue


I like this paradox we have here. We're trans people, so we know that you don't have to do girly things to be a girl or to do manly things to be a man nor does doing girly things make you a girl and doing manly things make you a man. We know there are actually no girly things and no manly things. We know that a person is who they say they are, not what's in their pants... And yet we so desperately want to conform to gender roles and do things associated with our gender and adhere to stereotypes because it affirms us.

Russian full names consist of three parts, used in different combinations and variations depending on context: - given name, first name or just a name - family name, last name or surname - father's name, or patronymic

Name is how you'll usually refer to a person. It is their, unique, specific name and is the only part that the parents choose, as the rest are inherited from the father. Names have their own fixed gender and are nouns.

Surname is the name that comes from the family. It is carried over generations, but can be changed as a part of marital procedures. Surnames follow declension rules somewhat akin to those of possessive adjectives, but don't just trust me on this one.

Patronymics are derived from the father's name. Not having one usually means being an orphanage kid. Patronymics have their own declension scheme and end in "-ич" when masculine and in "-на" when feminine: Николаевич, Николаевна; Александрович, Александровна etc. It can be hard to produce them from certain names, and it's better to look it up in that case.

You will use just the name when referring to someone familiar or someone in a position somewhat below you (student, for example), just the surname when referring to people you aren't familiar with whom you need to pick out out of many (a nurse calling a patient in, for example), name and patronymic to show respect and refer to people in a position above you, and all three for precise identification and usually nothing else.


It is so weird to have your mom say that she wishes she had a daughter (not in a bad way, just also a daughter, besides the two sons). Like, mom, I'm right here! Then you think, does she know? Is she trying to convince you to come out to her? She did help you with waxing your arms and such... And then she laughs at a transphobic "joke" with the relatives.

Are you playing with NewGRFs? Vanilla does not have any kind of brake vans.

Is there a way to transfer cargo between competing companies?

I'm playing with friends and, while we each want to do our own thing and not be linked in money so everyone's progress and successes can be tracked separately, we'd also like to build a vast map-spanning transportation network - I personally really enjoy the idea of passengers being able to move from one end of the map to the other with all the swaps and transfers that come with that. However, such network is only possible when its entirety is owned by one company - otherwise, the passengers will just not transfer. That means every city would require an extra station, blurring the borders of areas controlled by one company, and... Well, you get it. Is there a way to transfer cargo between two companies, get a joint station or anything like that?

Dead children can't grow up to be pedophiles, so really, they had it coming, officer

There are two ways in which "number-number" is used - an estimate and an interval.

An example of an estimate is in your text. These are said with - ignored or, rather, implied in speech. "лет в тридцать тридцать пять". The numbers are in the same case as the noun they're linked to - it could be "годами тридцатью-тридцатью пятью" or " о годах тридцати-тридцати пяти".

The easiest example of an interval is some timetable, for example, a listing of business hours: "Открыто 9:00 - 21:00". To read this, you would say "Открыто с девяти утра до девяти вечера". There are a few combinations: с _ по _, от _ до _, с _ до _. In an interval, numbers are in Genitive case (except one after "по" - that one would be in Accusative case. "вагоны с третьего по шестой")

An estimate can be read as an interval, and there's no issue with that. These categories are arbitrary and are not something actually in the language, it's just a way to separate the two options.