Oh so it’s just that there isn’t enough connections when frozen for ice to be more dense, so water is kind of an inefficient solid in that there is space for more molecules just it’s restricted with not enough connections for the molecules to be in a solid formation.

Why is ice less dense than water?Chemistry

I know it is because of the orientation and angle of the hydrogen bonds having a larger angle in ice than in water. However surely that means whilst each molecule would take up more space length ways, it would take up less space height ways. Like going from a tall but small base triangle to a wide but short triangle so why is ice still less dense would they not even out?

It’s not ‘we’ it’s simply greedy corporations pushing profits over and over with no care for anyone the exact same as before

I went to Exeter and did that degree without the year in industry and didn’t enjoy it but was there during Covid so may be a bit biased.

Do you have one available? I’ve got 18mil but can easily sell to get more cr

I would trade the Apollo for a hoonigan rs200 if you have one

[FH4] [W] Hoonigan rs200 [H] 17+mil or cars for tradeBuying

Have multiple rare cars like the Apollo IE and others plus can get more credits if needed as have lots of spare cars to sell. Just ask if wondering about specific cars

What car is that behind the bush in the second picture?


Yes fors, xio, and Audrey have appeared

What is this :err23:

Did not know the gold lumps are guns