Buy something they despise and get really offended when they won't eat it.

NTA, your family is acting really weird.

'Stop being sensitive dad'.

If this is how he normally acts, maybe some distance might do you good?

NTA, do what's best for you and your own family.

Yeah this isn't gentle parenting. Hell, I don't think gentle parenting is a real thing it should just be called parenting. But apparently so many people have grown up with their parents yelling and screaming at them that it has to be labeled separately.

Those are nasty tbh. The only microwave pizza I eat are the digiorno's stuff crust (The stuff crust has different crust than the regular), but they're expensive as hell. Fairly decent if you just want the convenience and all that.

NTA, but contact the Post Master General I think? Throwing away someone else's mail is a crime if I'm not mistaken. And if your mom isn't going to defend you from that shit he's spewing, it's probably a good idea to put some distance.

Did she seriously run away for a night and leave you to take care of her grandmother while she pouted to her friends? Let her understand what you're dealing with then, go stay with a family/friend for a few weeks and make her have to juggle work and her Grandmother in your absence, see how quickly she flips.


Aside from you coming off as extremely pretentious in the first half, NTA, do good by your nephew, it sounds like he needs someone in his corner.

You're definitely NTA and you need to make a plan to get out of there. In the short term, you could always phrase it like 'How am I supposed to take care of my sister in the future if I don't get a good job quickly?'

I see things like this and I remember how I was a petty little shit when I was a kid. If I was told this crap I would have started breaking my dad's stuff or my sister's stuff in retaliation. You seem like a good person, good job not letting them walk all over you. Take care of your stuff, don't listen to the complaints of people who don't care about your belongings.


You agreed to pay half for a fence, there is no fence.


If they were doing everything right and still falling, then yeah I would sympathize. But it sounds like they're holding their own heads underwater and refuse to let go. At what point would it be enough? You pay off your brother's loan, and then he goes and takes out another? Your sister's credit card is paid off, that means she can go out and max it again.

NTA, there's helping family in a bad situation, and then there's enabling bad habits.

Morality aside, and assuming there is a law on the books, I genuinely wonder if it would even hold up in court.

I have a lot to say, but fuck it. They're consenting adults and what they do privately is none of my business. Honestly, if this is the skeleton in their closet when they're seemingly good parents and good people, well......I'll scrunch my nose while reading it, but whatever floats their boat.

It sounds like he's intentionally being incompetent for some reason.

NTA, it stepped way past being 'its the thought that counts' and is now a problem. Talk to your mom because your dad needs to fix his shit.

If he can't understand why abandoning your job is a terrible idea, that's not a partner you want to have. He sounds incredibly immature and probably not ready for the real world.

Absolutely NTA These people calling you TA are delusional. Crap about how it's been 5 years and you should forgive them because they're making an effort or that it was 'just some girl'. It's not about the girl, the girl is almost irrelevant in this scenario. It was the fact that he was betrayed and hurt by brother in a way that may not ever heal. The family doesn't get to decide forgiveness, and the OP doesn't owe them anything after the nonsense they pulled.

Presumedly, there would be significant response from the 'hidden world'. If a world of magic and mystery was was kept hidden, it's not a leap to say that the ones doing the hiding have enough political and economic power to do so in the first place. At the very least, every level of government would have been infiltrated in the major powers of the world.

There would be public outcries about forcing the 'hidden sides' to show themselves and lots of shady actions going on for both ends trying to fight for their goals. Lots of propaganda, things like how 'selfish' the hidden magic users are for hoarding all that to themselves. For Americans, there would probably be many unconstitutional laws quickly passed to confiscate any 'magical' or such items from private citizens, etc. And then there's the assumption on 'what' Magic can do. If you find out that your next door neighbor can use all sorts of Magic, well, did they 'do something' with it to get ahead or maybe something selfish or even predatory with it? Magic users would quickly become pariahs if revealed in society.

And it also depends on why it was hidden in the first place. Is it like Harry Potter where they just fear the idea of being exposed like the Witch Hunts back in the days, or is there a deeper reason? In the Fate setting, Magecraft is a finite resource, so it getting revealed would totally destroy the foundation of so many Mages.

Frankly, I think it would take a long time before there was any notable positives that came from the sudden reveal. You would first have to deal with a world that had its entire logic turned upside down. Look at how bad people get treated for simple things like sexuality and color. If you add the capacity for literal Magic to the mix or an actual other 'race', things are going to get worse before they get better.

Thinking about it, it's a lot similar to how Mutants are sort of treated in the Marvel comics. Lots of prejudice, lots of hate, lots of discrimination.

Depends on the website and fandom, honestly. I'm a writer and a reader with a discord that has a little over 1500 people and it's probably 99% men. If you're looking for websites with fanfiction that are dominated by men, I'd hazard a guess at Webnovel, Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity, and Questionable Questing. is a tossup depending on the Fandom. For instance, I'm mostly in the Fate fandom and it's not a leap to assume the vast majority of authors there are men.

The biggest one for me is robotic dialogue. Contractions exist for a reason. When characters sound too stiff, it's an immediate drop of a story for me. The second would be when the Author glues their train to the canon rails regardless of what butterflies should or shouldn't have happened. It's like if Dumbledore suddenly died in book two and every single canon event still happens due to some asspull or forced reason. Don't rehash canon, be creative, let the train go off the rails.