I’m convinced DSP drivers are the true heroes of 2024

Having more fun with friends before moving around so much. It’s sucks when you leave all your friends behind and reminisce of the glory days

Killzone 3……didn’t know I hated a game so much. Didn’t play it more than an hour and tossed it

Try A, it’s basically the default button for selecting stuff on browser for Xbox.

Bc the heat generated from the nodes where the batteries connect would have the potential to generate a spark with a flammable substance like the tape that’s holding the batteries together. But whatev, you do you boo

Ahhh, the wonderful inflation of the economy…

Ah……Texas 😂

If you say something and I don’t respond back or, if you see me being quiet during a conversation know this…..it’s not bc I don’t like you or that I don’t like talking.

It’s because I choose my words carefully and unless I feel the need to speak I don’t. Unless I’m comfortable with you or find the topic I’m discussing interesting, then I’ll just talk your ear off.

I wish I could shed my bad habits as easy as this

My then love interest said “Don’t date me unless you plan to marry me!” I said “Challenge accepted.” A year later we tied the knot. Been happily married for almost 2 & 1/2 years.

I mean I was homeschooled but not for that reason. Dear God, can’t believe people are this stupid nowadays!🤣

This is why I hate retailers using 1 instead of 2 ply

I shouldn’t be laughing at this but I’ve been scrolling for 2 hours and it’s 3am. I need it go to bed!😂😅

Not to be rude, however it sounds like their trying to live their ambitions through you. I mean yeah times we’re hard I’d imagine for them back in the day, but just bc they probably had sucky grades doesn’t mean they should project their desires for what they wished they had back in school onto you. That’s just straight up unfair and childish on their part. I rarely made anything above 90 in school and got a 3.1 GPA upon graduation.

Your parents hold higher expectations for you than they did for themselves, which is probably why they crack down so hard about getting “good grades”. More like them wishing “better grades than when your dad and I were in school.”

All the time 😅

Look out, it’s become self aware 👀

Unironically this is true🤣