:flag-us: America

It’s because he and his ilk have normalized Trump’s bombastic personality to the point no one wants to bother challenging his endless lies. It’s exhausting. Yet, we Dems are going to make sure our guy has the orator skills of a Winston Churchill before we give him the thumbs up.

Here is the Project 2025 wiki. We don’t need to turn America into a Christian theocracy which is exactly what this is a blue print for.

Exactly, and we won’t be able to get it done and shore up our Constitution with an Amendment that holds every President accountable for their actions without re-electing Biden and enough Dems to filibuster proof the Senate and take back the House. We’d actually need a blue tsunami this November because amending the Constitution requires a 2/3 majority vote of both the House & Senate. It will definitely be a Herculean effort.

And if we re-elect Joe Biden and vote into office enough Dems to secure a filibuster proof Senate and take back the House, we can immediately proceed to impeach, convict, and remove the 6 MAGA Justices of the Supreme Court and then proceed to pass Constitutional Amendments that will shore up the gaps and “grey” areas of law so that no future fascist will ever get as close as Trump has to dismantling our Democracy again.

Yep. I live here in Florida and we could have gotten rid of Ron DeFascist and Marco Rubio in 2022 but only 48% of eligible Democrats voted which is pathetic. And that was knowing the outcome of Roe vs Wade being overturned by the SCOTUS. We can and need to do better this November 5th!

John McCain’s actions represented what Republicans USED to be like.

His courage was on display again when the Republican Party had a majority in the Senate during Trumps only term in office and they needed 1 Republican vote to kill the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) and JM was the lone dissenting vote which kept the ACA alive.

Not anymore. MAGA is NOT your father’s Republican Party. They are the antithesis of what our Democracy has stood for nearly 248 years and what the Republican Party used to stand for. We need to all VOTE BLUE this November 5th!

Just watching Trump’s diarrhea of lies during the debate without one iota of push back from CNNs Jake Tapper or Dana Bash says it all.

That’s what we get when we keep voting into office the Y’all Qaeda to run our state.

I’ve been traveling for work for almost 20 years and ATL is my #1. Despite being one of the biggest airports in the country, it’s the easiest to get from one terminal to another quickly.

MIB, I, Robot, I am Legend, Emancipation. Unfortunately too many to list and I was a fan but lost total respect for him when he assaulted Chris Rock during the Oscars.

I disagree. I remain cautiously optimistic and think enough folks have finally woke up to what could potentially happen should Trump get re-elected and will vote for Democracy instead of for party this November -regardless of what party they are affiliated with, and we will far exceed the 80M votes Biden received in 2022.

Ironically though, after Bidens disasterous debate performance last Thursday, I would have given your prediction more weight but now, since the SCOTUS immunity ruling yesterday, I think it triggered the 5 alarm bell we really needed to get people to wake up and pay attention to what is happening and will result in the kind of blue sunami we thought we were going to get in 2022 but didn't. Fingers crossed.

What good would that do? Republicans hold the House by a slim majority. Dems hold the Senate by a slim majority and need a super majority (60) to get any legislation passed.

No Republican, currently in power, would conceivably side with Democrats to what, give up the best chance of completely gutting the Federal government, our Democracy, and replace it with a Trump ran autocracy? Not a chance. This is what Republican's have been dreaming about for decades and now all of their long game efforts at the local, state, and national level are paying off in dividends.

Our only hope is that enough of us who love our American Democracy and way of life show up to the polls in record numbers this November 5th and make sure that we not only keep Trump from returning to the White House, but we vote enough Dems into both chambers of Congress to pass the strongest legislation possible that will shore up those gaps and grey areas of our Constitution that Republicans have been strategically exploiting since arguably, Nixon.

:flag-us: America

NW Florida here. Home of U.S. Florida 1st District Congressman, seditious traitor, Trump sycophant, and alleged underage sex trafficker, Matt Gaetz.

Unfortunately, this district is so flooded with MAGAs that there is no way anyone with a D next to their name is going to get elected but maybe a D in disguise. Send help.

But Florida Republican's will keep voting these MAGA like idiots to keep Florida red and to keep owning the Libs -sky rocketing insurance rates be damned.

I am not making excuses for him. I legit wish he could just use an EO and remove all 6 MAGA Supreme Court Justices from the bench and appoint A-political Justices, but Constitutionally it wouldn't fly and, ironically, such an order would have be be upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

Congress can impeach those Justices but again, you need a Dem majority in the House, a super majority in the Senate (60+), and of course, Biden to be re-elected. Not impossible, but not easy given those caniddates that are either running for re-election or running against incumbants in those Republican seats needing to be flipped.

The only legit way to make sure Trump doesn't get into office and finsih what he started in 2016 is to make sure we vote him out AGAIN on Tuesday, November 5, 2024! We vote blue all the way down the ballot.

Get Biden re-elected, take back the House, and get a supermajority of Dems (60) in the Senate. Only by this seemingly herculean effort are we going to be able to pass legislation that will reenforce our guard rails with bills like the For the People Act, to save our Democracy.

Packing the courts requires Congress in both chambers (House & Senate) to pass legislation to increase the number of Justices. Appointing justices by declaration would not be covered under an "official act" of the executive branch.

Well technically -and I am glad the conservative Justices have now made this clear, President Biden COULD decide that these conservative Justices are no longer needed on the Supreme Court and have them removed. I mean, why not?

Oh, the hypothetical possibilities are endless and Biden has 4 months to take full advantage of this new ruling before we get to re-elect Biden to finish wiping the slate clean!

I don’t disagree but up until 2016, we haven’t had to deal with someone like Trump who has shown such contempt for traditions and norms. I hope he is an outlier and a one hit anomaly that we’ll never have to deal with again past this coming election.

Exactly! That is when BOTH political parties used to honor tradition and decorum -even to a fault.

Now MAGA is the Republican Party and honors no traditions or decorum’s because those get in the way of clenching absolute power as quick as possible.

As long as there is no law to obstruct the MAGA Party from achieving its goals, it will continue to push the envelope to the absolute limit.