This is my bitch with existing third parties. The Libertarians and Greens have no interest in actually building a party. The Libertarians currently have 1 member in all of America that has been voted into federal or state government. The Greens have 0. Even counting things like city councils, water districts, and school boards each of these parties have less than 200 elected officials across the country.

If those parties were actually interested in being viable options they would be building a base of power at the state and local level. Yet they never have.

These parties exist purely to take peoples money and run spoiler candidates every four years.

:sea: Seattle Mariners

Sims has been in Seattle for almost two decades. He’s seen some shit.

Seattle Sounders FC :sea:

I have 100% belief that this would work

:sea: Seattle Mariners

I’m replying to you talking about trading Harry Ford in relation to Cal’s contract. You don’t have to fucking worry about it dude. We got Cal for three years. His willingness to take an extension is not relevant to our trade discussions at all.

It being a thread about contracts doesn’t mean we have to talk about everyone’s contracts. Andres Muñoz is under contract until 2028, if someone was like we can’t trade young arms because he might not take an extension that would be weird.

:sea: Seattle Mariners

Anytime Cal does anything there is talk about his contract. I’ve seen so many damn comments on Reddit and Twitter about Cal’s state of mind and how Boras doesn’t do extensions. The comments I’m replying to are good examples of this phenomenon.

Happy for you if you’ve missed it, but it’s definitely part of the discourse in this fan base.

:washingtonstate: :santamonica: Washington State • Santa Mo…

The cum box is one you never see referenced anymore

[SEA] Rashard Lewis

They have in the past, but I’m pretty sure that’s all patched up now.

I can’t believe people are taking seriously the idea of doing virtual straw polls to pick a new nominee.

Just pick the person who is already Vice President. People already voted for the ticket knowing that if Biden went down that she’d take over. Or if she’s too unpopular stick with the old man.

This head in the clouds shit is killing me.

You don’t see anything un-Democratic about two people anointing the next nominee for President?

:sea: Seattle Mariners

Cal is not a free agent for another three years. It truly does not matter if he signs an extension or not. He will also be entering his age 31 season when he goes to free agency.

I love him and would be very happy to extend him, but this constant handwringing about a dude who is under contract through 2027 is weird.

[SEA] Rashard Lewis

The Suns shot 64 free throws in that 1993 game. Went 57-64 as a team

I've certainly put holds on checks in those circumstances. My point was that pay checks are not getting holds placed on them because they aren't sketchy. Any bank teller could look at the account and see that it's a check that the person consistently gets. Even a large bonus check wouldn't get a hold because I'd be able to see you get regular checks from that company.

Blame the people that defined bi-weekly. I could have used every other week but that seemed clunkier.

Yeah that’s also not a thing. I worked at a bank and most physical checks do not have holds placed on them. The money is available as soon as you deposit it even though the check has not technically “cleared”. You certainly would not put a paycheck’s funds on hold when you can see the person is getting the same check routinely.

The few people that still get physical checks don’t even have to deal with a physical bank anymore. Basically every bank has mobile deposit so you can just take a photo of your check snd have near instant access to the funds.

The overall point about changing how frequent pay periods are may have some merit, but millions of Americans aren’t suffering overdraft fees while they wait for the paychecks they deposited to clear. They’re getting overdraft fees while they wait two weeks for their next check to arrive and replenish their bank account.

The two most common ways that people are paid are bi-weekly and bi-monthly.

So most Americans are getting about two paychecks a month.

Do you think just because we still call it a paycheck that we’re all getting physical checks every two weeks? The majority of Americans get their salaries through direct deposit.

You don’t follow the logic that someone who is too cognitively impaired to be running shouldn’t be doing the hardest job on the planet?

The argument that people who want him to drop are making is that he’s losing it and there are hours and days where he can’t do shit. You think the person that they are describing should be President for another six months?

Again I don’t agree with these folks, but I do respect them more than people saying he should drop just so Mayor Pete or their other faves can run.

I’m not saying he should. I’m saying what the logic is.

I’m not advocating for it. I’m telling you what the logic is.

Those people have to want to run. They all did the math and decided it wasn’t a good idea.