One thing I'll say, and I don't claim to be an expert, but those things like vacuuming, getting up and moving around, etc., are vitally important. My dad passed away about 20 years ago and my mom never quite recovered emotionally, but when she started having physical issues about 5 years ago she just stopped moving around because it was more difficult. It's very easy for people to become deconditioned, which snowballs and just makes life in general more difficult. Just encourage her to do a little bit every day so that she stays somewhat active.

Best of luck.

Yes - having a therapist you connect with is absolutely vital. I tried it once a long time ago and hated it because the guy just didn't feel like someone I could trust and open up to. He wasn't good at getting me to talk and I didn't know what to say.

My guy now will listen to me for a while then he'll ask me a question or two, and the questions get me to think about things.

Hey man - my family didn't talk about feelings. It wasn't a gender thing, we just kept everything under wraps. My parents are both passed, but I recognize this in my siblings and my extended family, as well. There's this sort of bland, noncommittal, "pleasant" surface to everything, but no one seems to express anything real.

Very simply, talk to your wife, explain that you're working on this, get therapy if you can. If you're unsure, ask her "what can I do to help?" or "what do you need from me?". Just be open and vulnerable and emotionally available and let her know you're trying. Best of luck!

Good lord. Awful partner is right.


My ex (thank god) is incapable of empathizing with others. Well, maybe she can for a few seconds, but you can't have a conversation with her about yourself without things immediately turning to herself in some unrelated way. It took me a long time to snap out of it and realize how messed up this is.

You saw a murder? Well, listen to the day I had...!

I remember reading a long time ago that one of the problems men and women run into is that when women discuss an issue they're having, men want to "solve the problem" while women just want to be heard.

You expressed a reaction to trauma, he was completely unsupportive, but then, as you say in the title, made it all about himself. His communication is toxic and entirely self-absorbed. He didn't ask you once how you feel, how you're doing, what you need, etc. Plus the emotional blackmail by repeatedly threatening self-harm.

Completely clueless. He will never have a healthy relationship if he doesn't work on his own incredibly obvious personal issues. Glad to see that he's your ex. Best of luck.

How does that even work, unless he was paid under the table his entire life?

Oh, so they have to lift the glasses of tea themselves?!?!?

It's hot and they have three teens and two adults. A case of water should last a day, at most. Tap water sucks where I live, so I get it, but hydrating a family with individual bottles of water is insane.

This seems indistinguishable from Mr. Bircham.

If Jordan Petersen is involved they really missed the boat on making this with puppets.

She's stolen so much attention away I don't even know or care who she is.

Hang in there. My ex's affairs and our subsequent divorce were easily the most stressful things I've ever gone through, and I still haven't fully recovered. BUT - it gets better. A lot better. I don't think it's possible to understate the absolute mindfuck of having your "life partner" betray you so completely. With time you will see the light at the end of the tunnel and see that you're much better off without such a person as your partner.

Unreal. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. My ex had cheated once (that I knew of) in the past. We reconciled, then a number of years later she announced she wanted to do a trial separation for two months "to work on our marriage". I knew where this was headed, but said sure. Well, a month later I went to meet a friend for a drink and found her having dinner with one of her new APs. Yes, more than one. She used that time to start TWO simultaneous affairs. We live in a pretty small town, and she was genuinely shocked (seriously) several months later to learn that she'd developed something of a reputation in town.

The destructive self-absorption of cheaters never ceases to amaze me. Take care, I hope you're doing well.

I thought this was a music festival, too. But, music at 110 decibels isn't good for anyone.

Do they have any kind of hearing protection for the kid? Besides the laundry list of other reasons not to do this, hearing damage is a significant worry.

I can't imagine something I'd rather do less than take a 1 year old to a festival. So many reasons.

This is how my ex always reacted:

DARVO (an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender") is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.\1]) Some researchers indicate that it is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.\2])\3])\4])


As the acronym suggests, the common steps involved are:

  1. The abuser denies the abuse ever took place
  2. When confronted with evidence, the abuser then attacks the person that was/is being abused (and/or the person's family and/or friends) for attempting to hold the abuser accountable for their actions, and finally
  3. The abuser claims that they were/are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the positions of victim and offender.\2])\4]) It often involves not just playing the victim but also victim blaming.\3])

That's...truly something.

What's funny is if the gofundme was for a couple of homeless golden retrievers, they probably would've gotten thousands and thousands of dollars.

They need to just wander the desert for 40 years. Builds character, probably.

Why haven't they started their AirBnB real estate portfolio yet?