Arizona tea still 1 dollar? wow, I lived in USA 10 years ago, it was 1 dollar back then, I can believe they aren't increase the price for 10 years

Australia and New Zealand are oddly peaceful

Greenland too, but, not many people live there

this robot gonna cost like 1 million dollars, human workers still much cheaper. so far

he sounds like a people about to die of old age.

The Last of Us.

first time you play this game, you are amazed by everything of it.

the second play, a lot of walk simulator section, combat gameplay is very short, only need to deal with 3-4 enemies, then walk simulator section and cutscene

  1. it's more like a hivemind, some big name youtuber say it's bad than everyone has to say it's bad, nit-pick everything.

I heard someone even say this game graphics are too detailed, it's bad that graphics have too much detail. like WTF?

  1. people who never played this game believe some phototshoped Aloy picture is what Aloy actually looks like, fat and ugly. And they think this game is too woke, and they hate it. ------if only they played the game, not just repost the same photoshoped picture

after so much hyper, I watched Lilo & Stich, I found it very boring...

bad example, you should show us 4TB TF card

I never bought any game I don't want to play, the only game I haven't played is free game that came with bundle, like Batman Arkham: Black Gate

but human skin will die regularly, without human body to support those skin, it'll decay fast

she has the talent to be a football (or soccer) player

My advice: protein powder!

I am riding bike "seriously" for 5 years, my speed was the same for first 4 years, my power was average 150w for a hour. But I noticed the more I ride, the longer I can ride, but not faster.

last year, I decided to use protein powder, and my power grew after a half year! my power is 170w for a hour, yeah, still shit, but at least It grows! my speed increased too.

so, protein powder for the muscle grow.

PS: I usually ride 50-70km(30-43miles) per ride, 4-5 rides per week

GP5000 STR, 28c, Because everyone said it's good.

Schwable Pro One, 28c, Because I was mountain biker, Schwable tires were amazing on my mountain bike. and It's cheaper than GP5000 STR

yeah, I bring a bike computer, because it's fun to record my travel line.

I also bring a set of hex key, in case I need to fix my bike. and a tire level, a spare TPU tube

Is London a cycling friendly city? I watched some London city bike riding Youtube video, it seems very busy and dangerous for cyclist.

I just started playing KH2 yesterday, and I am playing this game at least 6 hours a day since It was released on STEAM. So you are way faster than most people if you get that achievement

I never thought it's woke.

what's the woke part? lesbian? but, in Anime lesbian is ubiquitous since...forever.

other than that, I can't think of any "woke content"

I am playing this game too, omg, I hate this game, so boring, so repetitive, everything is made of reused resources from KH1.

I am forcing myself playing it, only because I have OCD to unlocked all achievements. Thanks god, I am playing on PC, I can use trainer, cheat table and mod to get pass this game with least pain as possible

because she is an attractive woman, she can get away from consequence

I think Aqua is the only legal choice? everyone else are under age 18? except that Organization XIII girl

I tried both, somehow I think spare him is the right choice, it's more consist with story which Jin has no honor, so he does dishonorable thing like not killing his family, he denying the Samurai code that require him to kill his uncle.