Some angry New Jerseyan repair technician gone influencer is gonna have a heart attack reading this

Can the codes be stored as something else than QR? I have a few cards that require the code to be shown as data matrix 

Tränat, har en hel del genvägar för det på telefonen så ofta bara bort eller något knapptryck bort. Känns’ fel att göra något utan att veta att timern går 

Jag tidsspårar all vaken tid, ca. 16 timmar om dagen senaste ~5 åren. Kan säga på sekunden hur mycket tid det går att diska, kissa eller göra arbetsuppgift X och när jag har gjort vad.. 

Provat mobilscanning? Har helt slutat med handtagen på coop o håller numera bara i telefonen när jag trampar runt i butiken, gillar kraftigt! Kan dessutom sköta betalningen på telefonen utan att hitta en ledig skärm o får upp utskanningskvittot direkt i telefonen så jag slipper slänga papperslappen efteråt

Been using Timery for Toggl for ages and really enjoy it but always on the lookout for a new solution, will keep checking in on this thread

Dang, this looked like the perfect replacement for raycasts shortcut features but I missed out. Gonna have to keep my eyes open for round 2 if it ever comes

I’ve found I can hit enter once it comes up to allow, then I’ll just have to retake the screenshot (with no pop up this time) to capture it without the pop up covering half the screenshot

i’m in spain but the s is silent

Just spitballing but maybe they didn’t actually send a whole moon but hijack something already heading here?

Homebridge, homeassistant, home automation or something else? 

Having tested this for 10 minutes now, I'm completely sold. This is the sexiest window resizer I've tried.

Anarcho-Syndicalist :ancom:

HalfSoul obviously means having to mark your stuff like that to not have it stolen. 

Join on whatever instance seems best suited for you here (you can subscribe to anyone from other instances too, but i still recommend a large instance since most of the content you’ll see will be from there), it’s very much just like the early instagram website. There’s an app currently in TestFlight

 ring colour was able to be customised, even if it just takes it from the colour of the reminders list

It does that already? 

Mastodon still isn’t where I hoped it would be but I’ve enjoyed Pixelfed, it’s built on mastodon but customized to be more like instagram. Highly recommend 

How’d you get everything tinted in a greyscale? 

If you keep holding down your finger after swiping down you can immediately swipe to the correct page, give it a month or two and your muscle memory will have adapted if you don’t change it up too often