Well, one's skinny while the other is super thicc.

He's gonna need more greenbacks.

I counted seven nuts, so Dad must've been a champion.

Bro, he looks like Scotty just beamed his ass up..

Remember, if you own a schizophrenic, you run the risk of a brain disorder.

Something something webbed feet.

Man, I got nothing. You win.

As far as a good time, though, he's always down.

He's probably out searching for some quack.


Yes, the house is the only asset that my county clerk says needs to go through probate courts. We have already disbursed the funds in her account through the bank, and there are no liens or creditors to deal with.

The house hasn't been appraised, but according to online searches like Zillow, they estimate between 330-400k. I doubt it's worth that much on a real market, but it sits on 2.5 acres, so that probably drives up the value.

I have no problems with online forms or paperwork, just lack of knowledge on where to start. If you could throw a couple of ideas my way, that'd be great!

But imagine all the discipline and training they must endure to achieve this level of ferocity!

(Cracks beer) Mmmhmm...yup.