That's really just not true. Firewalls exist, both in Windows and in the router. You're not gonna get viruses just from being connected to the internet. Unless of course you disable your Windows firewall and connect your PC directly to the internet, which you have to intentionally do.

Plus, there are still official security updates released for Win7, you just need to do some patching to receive them.

You either got Rings of Ascension for the wrong version of Minecraft, or it conflicts with another mod.

Yeah, it’s a P6TD Deluxe, so it’s pretty old.

The bash scripting required for a custom bootloader is the one that adds new deployments to the boot menu I assume?

Also, I just had an idea - could overlayfs be somehow utilized to resolve the config issues and at least keep track of some of the trash?

As in, /etc and /var are actually immutable and are only changed on an update transaction, and all changes to them are overlayed from a different directory (maybe /shared/etc and /shared/var?). As I see it, this’d address configs being lost between transactions and updates affecting configs in different generations of the system.

I’d highly recommend using single GPU passthrough (specifically this guide that’s linked on Arch Wiki - ) instead of making Arch use iGPU. I use it myself with Arch, Win10 VM and an RTX 4060 to play Cyberpunk with framegen, and it works amazing.

Also make sure to pin CPU cores for the VM, there’s an Arch Wiki page about that. Greatly improved performance in my personal experience.

It’s possible to add the entire disk to a VM, so there shouldn’t be problems with that.

As for BitLocker though, I’m not sure unfortunately.

That's... a pretty good point about trash being kept around, I didn't even really think about it.

Maybe I should look into Arkane after all. Is it possible to create a custom image with a different bootloader though? My motherboard doesn't have UEFI and thus I can't use the official image with systemd-boot.

Also, when you say that the whole system is reinstalled on update, how efficient is that in terms of storage? I'd assume it's efficient since btrfs is utilized, but I'm confused how well that plays with previous versions, if at all. And, how does it handle configs? Do all configs just get wiped on update? Couldn't really find info on these in docs.

Thank you for the reply!

I'm a bit confused about /shared/root though. What would it be used for if there are /rootfs/root_n? Or is it meant to just be a common link for the current root?

Also, I thought that transactional updates didn't snapshot var and etc. Because, wouldn't that mean that if you update, change some config, and then boot into the updated snapshot, the changes won't reflect in the new snapshot?

Optimal sub-volume layout for btrfsQUESTION


I'm looking into messing around with btrfs snapshots and sub-volumes, and I wonder what would be the optimal layout if I want root to be read-only?

My idea is to basically end up with openSUSE's transactional-update but done with a couple of bash scripts (I hope at least lol), and for that I need to figure out what stuff I can make read-only permanently and what must stay writable, and, as far as I understand, it's possible to make btrfs sub-volumes read-only.

So far I've learnt that /home, /etc and /var must be writable since you want your configs to be writable and /var is literally variable data, but is that it?

Also, to clarify what exactly I'm trying to do:

Instead of the system changing its root partition continuously with installed packages or updates, I want it to create separate versions of itself. So for example when you run my-script -Syu it'd first create a btrfs snapshot, mount it, chroot there and only then run actual pacman -Syu and make the snapshot the next boot target.

My motivation is that, well, partial upgrades are officially unsupported by Arch, so an update system which can't have partial updates by design (even due to outages, since a snapshot would simply be discarded as incomplete) is something that would work great with Arch and something I'd really want to try and daily-drive.

Also, if it ends up working, I'll only have a very basic install running on the actual system, the rest will be flatpaks, distrobox, etc. so that the system itself stays stable and robust.

Also, I do know about snapper, but it's not exactly what I want. Basically, it creates snapshots for backups while I want to create snapshots for updates.

And yeah I'm aware of openSUSE Aeon and Kalpa which is basically that, but, well, first of all it doesn't run on my 13 yo motherboard which lacks UEFI, and second - I want to setup this myself and learn about FHS, btrfs, distrobox and Arch itself.

I'm new to btrfs, so please, do tell me if my idea is flawed somewhere or if I'm straight up talking non-sense lol. Thanks!

Yeah, well, my hardware works great for basically everything I need so I didn’t really need to upgrade lol.

But the lack of UEFI and AVX2 especially is starting to become really limiting, so I’ll upgrade eventually.

And thanks, but, for now, eh, I don’t feel like messing with MicroOS or tricking Aeon into installing on BIOS, so I’ll probably just reinstall Arch on btrfs, setup snapper and pretend that I have atomic updates lol.

Well, I don’t know anything about window managers, but my IntelliJ borders changed on Plasma when I switched it from the system Java runtime to a bundled JetBrains runtime with the IDEA_JDK environment variable.

If you haven’t yet tried that, try, maybe it’ll do something.

Bonus: bundled runtime comes with JCEF which enables markdown preview renderer.

Well, not everyone. The "back to the wiki" guy really wasn't helpful in any capacity.

But fair, I agree, others did try to help, just not really in the way I initially asked for. It was more of "why bother with this" and suggest a different thing which really wasn't what I talked about in the post.

My bad for bringing them up under the same light as that guy though, sorry about that, I did overreact.

iPhone 8, 15.1

Sorry, I don't know. I haven't attempted this in a long while. I just know that it's totally doable under your conditions.

Well, the point is atomicity. The update is either fully applied, or not applied at all.

This system by design can not have an intermediate state, a partial update (which is strongly discouraged by rolling release distros in the first place), or be broken in any other way due to an update.

There's a good video about it from SUSE - (they're also very close to the full release of their own atomic, immutable and rolling release distro called Aeon).

iPhone 8, 15.1

They can. iPhone9,3 is an iPhone 7, SEP is compatible all the way down to iOS 14.0 and cryptex isn’t an issue in the first place since they’re downgrading from a version below iOS 16 (moreover, iPhone 7 never received iOS 16).

Cobblemon is for Minecraft 1.20.1 while you’re using 1.21

This is a Fabric subreddit, not Forge.

actually I ate some, sorry, was hungry

I did mention in the post that my motherboard simply doesn't support UEFI.

I mean, I could, but the reason I ran it in a VM in the first place is because I wanted to then install it on bare metal if I liked it. Well, won't be happening now.

iPhone 8, 15.1

Why wouldn’t it? I’m pretty sure there weren’t any more iOS 16 updates since then?

Oh well, that’s unfortunate. Apparently, it did use GRUB previously, but not anymore. I guess I’ll have to find a similar distro then… Thanks

Can’t use Aeon with BIOS?Aeon

Coming from Arch. Wanted to try out Aeon in a VM because I really like the idea and the implementation, turns out it doesn’t support BIOS?

Is there some actual UEFI requirement in the system? I thought it uses GRUB which supports BIOS just fine. And no, I actually do not have UEFI in my motherboard, it’s a P6TD Deluxe with a Xeon 5690 CPU.

It’s not like bots operate on visual input lmao. They don’t need AI to figure out how to headshot someone when everything is pure coordinates already.