Cell was the villain of the movie “dragon ball super hero” and while it wasn’t based off the OG cell that we got, it still makes sense to get OG cell before cell max.

Something people tend to forget is that there has never been a dragon ball Z collab. All the DB skins are based off Super and onward, so the odds of this ever happening are slim to none unfortunately.

You set scroll wheel up to BOTH edit and reset and this allows you to flick the wheel up to do an immediate reset. Or click it once just to get into edit mode. Which I thought I wouldn’t like at first but I ended up loving since it’s so quick to do, I was worried I’d do multiple inputs by accident but my scroll wheel is nice it has a stiff click for 1 input, but if I flick it, the wheel turns to free spin mode and just goes 100+ inputs a second.

I don’t think anybody is mad here. The spirit of the post (in the investing sub mind you) is they think the card is overvalued. Where is anger derived from this? They literally post nothing but a title stating this. I honestly agree with them, the card is like 3-4 weeks old and has skyrocketed in price over the last 10 days. While this may be its true value it’s highly unlikely and we are merely observers of this space, conversing in a forum.

I’m a ZB player 99% of the time (who one day aspires to play more builds) and even I have scroll wheel up as edit/reset. It’s just so powerful that using anything else just seems impractical. Scroll wheel down for use seems to be busted as well, I don’t think I could ever go back.

The thing I dislike about her skin is the way she kinda creepily stares at you in the lobby. Her face on the icon is so beautiful and cheerful, but the way she floats there and looks at you while the game loads up totally isn’t her vibe.

Either I’m the only one playing Fortnite primarily as my multiplayer or choice or I’m the only one willing to admit it lol. I also like pokemon, both VGC and the TCG.

There is about a 0.0% chance this skin doesn’t come back before the end of this month.

Ummmmm, not sure if you saw but it has a “half swirl” which is surely SUPER rare!

I mean it’s natural to call it that. Last time we played on a map that looked like the reloaded one was during OG, it has a lot of OG weapons, it’s just the huge pool of non OG weapons is what clearly makes it more of a remixed than reloaded mode. I’m sure true OG will come back later like predicted on the leaked timeline but this is just another fun mode to have which is always nice.

Would have been cool to have seen a green variant as well.

Superhero skin is only 90% cringe, it’s the star wand pickaxe that puts it over 100.

The community is who gave this game mode the OG label, not once has Epic themselves called it that. The furthest they go is mention “classic” items and locations. Someone on here or YouTube said that “remixed” would have been a better name and I kind of think of it as that since then.

I could get 10 bad games in a row if I sat down to play Fortnite I’m loading into an 11th lol

English cut consistency is abysmal. If you stack say 200 cards up in an ETB and run your finger across it you will feel a very jagged and rough surface. Do the same thing with Japanese and it will feel smooth and uniform as each cards size is SO much closer to one another.

Same thing for other TCGs like dragon ball, very high quality consistency. Modern English Pokémon is honestly the worst quality control I’ve seen amongst all the TCGs out there.

Yes 1 stadium at a time. If your opponent has one in play and you play yours, it will bump theirs off the board, it goes into their discard, and yours replaces it.

The rule of 1 energy per turn only applies when attaching directly from your hand. Abilities and effects of attacks absolutely can bypass this.

Yes, it’s new. Chinese only. They just recently got official TCG products last year I believe and they started in the sun and moon block. So they’re still playing catch up and sometimes get exclusive artworks to go with that. This is one of those.

This is an $850 box on the open market. Just as a general rule, let’s use this item/price as an example. The absolute cheapest a random person on the internet will sell this for would be maybe $750? The reason is because it will sell INSTANTLY at that price on eBay, TCG player etc. So why sell it for less? There has only ever been one answer and only ever will be one answer. To scam someone who doesn’t know any better.

Unfair stamp isn’t powerful enough imo, it can be good but there are a lot of ways to draw out of a small hand right now in the game.

Hero’s cape is kinda interesting, works better in decks with Vstar or Vmax pokemon. Imagine a 400+ HP Vmax especially if you get some kind of healing involved, could be cool. This card wouldn’t work as well in decks with only single prizers like lost or ancient box.

Prime catcher is the staple ace spec. It can fit in nearly every deck archetype aside from mill basically. It’s the old cross switcher with the effect of 2 cards built into 1. Basically allowing you to boss’s orders and still play a supporter in turn. This card will always be hard to beat and should be your default ace spec unless you have a very good reason to deviate.

In the context of the pokemon TCG a damage counter = 1 counter = 10 damage. So if the ability reads, for example “You may place 1 damage counter on your opponents active pokemon” it, effectively means, you are doing 10 damage.

The reason it is worded the way it is, is because some abilities, tools, etc… block damage, some block the placing of damage counters. Once again I know it’s odd that we need to specify but the distinction allows for more nuanced plays in the game.

For example Manaphy is a very popular card for blocking bench damage, however it is useless against something like Lost Mine Sableye who places damage counters, as it doesnt do damage directly.

The physical counters you have are just for making the game easier to play so you don’t need to carry around a bunch of small numbers only. For all intents and purposes, 1 damage counter will always equal 10 damage

Yes you would get damage counters, damage in the pokemon TCG is counted from 0 up it’s not like in the video game where you start at full health and then go down. You acquire damage counters, and they represent damage done. It’s more important to think how much damage has been dealt, and not how much HP was lost. I know it’s odd but the specificity is important.

In this context it would matter if say you had 3 energy on your orthworrm, who also had 140 damage done to it. If you somehow lose 1 energy and then go down to 2 you no longer meet the requirement for your +100 HP boost and your total HP would be reduced to 130 and Orthworm knocked out.

If you only had 30 damage on and went from 230 to 130 it doesn’t matter, the 30 damage would stay regardless if it had 130 or 230 total HP.

It’s not like the +100 HP is some kind of over shield that can absorb damage and then be nullified later on.

I hope I understand your question and am answering it properly, let me know if you need any more clarification

Still legit curious to how anyone actually dies to the punches. Sure the ground pound, uppercut, ground pound again combo is hard to counter if you aren’t particularly aware of an opponents spacing to you. But the melee attack? You need to stand there, and not shotgun your opponent, while they deal 55 damage at a time. The 3rd hit even has knock back allowing you to spray them.

Galaxy Drakon is beautiful

I remember trying this game when I was like 6 and not knowing what the hell was going on. 11 year old me gets an n64 beats ocarina and finally “gets” Zelda games. Going back and playing the SNES version of basically the game I just played, but couldn’t figure out at all as a kid was a very novel experience. I’ll always love Zelda games for their outside the box approach to gaming.