Imagine having the shoryu as a regular move and not a counter but it’s within a certain combo or you have to commit to it and it’s a risk reward. Like after back step charger you can go into a shoryu.

Bro can we have the spinning blade attack? In both Rise and GU it have the same properties (becoming invincible) and I think it’s clutch for sns. And maybe the metsu shoryu without the counter.

I’m playing Street Fighter for the character and lore. I loved Ed since V and his story as well as his character have been shifting.

Bro, most likely the strongest character if he is given time to grow. I think he could be stronger than Oro by the passing years.

Akihiko is my favorite character and Yakuza is like my second favorite game. So like I choose Ali

None, I’m not buying a game till Monster Hunter Wilds releases which will help me finish all the games I have bought and not play.

Endgame definitely. It’s my favorite endgame. Even though World had the Guiding lands which was really good and probably the best thing in Monster Hunter, the qurio system and the AR is really good. Also the build variety is next level, so much freedom.

I mean people bought it so why not? You don’t need it so it really doesn’t matter and if you do, well you don’t need it, you want it PFFT

I want SNS and Hunting Horn haha.

Brooo I can’t say type beat type beat? That’s crazy. It’s like saying I can’t say pancake because it’s not good.

It’s only 100 matches haha. It’ll get better. Just keep fighting and learning the fundamentals.

I honestly don’t know. Some of the things that happened to Ichiban (The rejection, going on a journey, helping others, etc) happened to me. I played the game prior and was like “Bro, why are some of the things that happened to me today happening to this guy?” Honestly I felt too relatable to the point where I just can’t find a thing I hate about him as there’s nothing I hate about myself haha! The experiences that I went through made this character and I feel as one even if this is a video game character.

Jeez I know fluent Yappanese.

Did he view or like any of these recently? If not could he have been following them before the relationship started. Honestly though me personally if I see my girl looking at buff white dudes, as a fit black dude I’d probably question her. I know I wouldn’t even look at things like this especially during a relationship but check and see if these where liked recently. If it feels like he thinks you’re not enough leave him. Sometimes long distance doesn’t work properly from my experiences.

All you really need to do is have a workout routine that aligns with having this body and a stable diet.

The more time passes the more it seems like gold gets harder to reach/ get out of. Congrats because these are the hard times of rank in my opinion haha! I’m Plat right now trying to get into diamond with Ed. So far so good.

Ay as long Tekken is still Tekken the paid stuff doesn’t matter to me. They don’t mess up the gameplay of Tekken.

In SF5 she wasn’t a school girl but I can’t wait for the new Sakura.

The amount of work Mishimas have to do is crazy so being busted for the cost of learning 1 character is enough.

Yeah you can’t say anything these days without people thinking other things pfft.

Monster Hunter, Dragon’s Dogma, Like A Dragon, Final Fantasy 7, and Paper Mario Thousand Year Door