I've seen acps being signed off to discharge paeds patients

Acps can function as an f2 under direct supervision in any specialty

Next time he touches you scream as loud as you can and cause a scene

This has to be satire right?


Keep the acps but stop them from practicing at ST3+ level. That shit is insane to me

They hate us cause they ain't us. Mofos have long tongues and big mouths but I challenge them to last one day in EM working at reg level

Chest infection can be Pneumonia Endocarditis Mediastinitis Myocarditis Bronchitis Bronchiolitis Etc etc

Would you call it a water infection when talking to another doctor?

So we may as well say water infection? Skin infection? We are scientists not fishmongers

It's a layman term. No textbook in the world says "chest infection"

That's my whole point. The benefits of a centralised healthcare system are trumped by this strong autonomy of individual hospitals and trusts

I hate the UAE because of the fakeness of it but I've been there several times (I have family who live there) and let me tell you, it does not feel like a desert.

Wtf is the point of an NHS if each trust has its own system? Like just integrate EPIC throughout the UK. Consistent records. Better communicatin. It just makes sense.

Sure. Then call it pneumonitis or lrti. Just anything not chest infection

:PL:Premier League

Fact that you called them a "lil guy" because you disagree with their opinion invalidates yours. Grow up

Please don't call them chest infections. It's pneumonia

If you are in a situation where you want to move, UAE for money and lifestyle


This is not cringe. This is fucking creepy