The only way it could work is if Zeus was resurrected as the Roman god Jupiter through appropriative and retroactive Roman worship.


If the layman can’t be gained through training, I doubt it could be lossed. Disrupted or deafened? Sure.


I would argue it’s solely a “motivation” factor. He was always in rage mode in Greece and was more relentless toxic rage. Now his rage is more balanced, focused and actually enhanced his strength, but the downside is that he can feel pain and its effects more easily. He gets winded.

I like to think like how his relatives were embodiments of powers and concepts, Kratos is the embodiment of rage, both its positive and negative aspects. You can either rule it or it rules you.

I know what subconsciously means. That he would do it subconsciously goes against his character. Atreus could do it because he had the knowledge to do it, using a spell like a prayer.

Mimir also said on multiple occasions that Odin’s not trustworthy at any point. Multiple characters have said so too. He was nice to Freya too until he got what he wanted from her.

We saw how nice Odin could get IN GAME, promising Atreus the secrets of the universe and a place at his side all the while working behind his back and deceiving him.

Plus the games state she’s a giantess and a goddess, meaning she was a half breed like Atreus, making Thor only a quarter giant. The bulk of their relationship was during the first part of the war against the Jotunar, and the games imply that Thor was responsible for her death himself.

In the interst of full disclosure, Mimir does say Odin changed after she died, but he was still leading a war campaign against due giants.


Take a moment and think about GoW Thor. Does he seem the type to use soul magic? When has his magic been more varied than blasting lighting around? Why would Odin allow anyone to have a moment alone with any of his children to teach them anything he doesn’t or couldn’t know? Thor in GoW is known for brutality and unparalleled strength.


That kind of soul magic has to be done by someone else, like how Atreus manipulated souls into Garm and the snake. The Only dwarf has been able to transfer his own soul into an inanimate object, that being Andvari.

And I don’t think Odin wouldn’t notice a soul occupying Mjolnir, what with how he’s mastered both Aesir and Vanir magics. He’d have taken action long ago to get rid of it.

For as eager to please as Brok and Sindri were, I doubt they’d take a giant’s soul and put it into a weapon. Mjolnir was created to endear them to the Aesir, so I don’t think using Thor’s mother as a source would’ve done them any favors.

The talking thing might have been an influence from Marvel’s Thor, where the character has a codependency on his hammer and it has shown to have its own sapience multiple times, either from a living storm captured by Odin or trapped souls.

GoW’s Thor is not a well man. Centuries of mental abuse, alcoholism, on the outs with Sif and Thrud. His hammer is the only trustworthy thing in his life. It doesn’t work to deceive him, it doesn’t talk back. It’s the one thing he can truly rely on. Of course he’d talk to it.

But where does the hand come out of?

I mean, it’s alright, but I wouldn’t consider it to be at the level of most other TMNT media. Not a must see, but a “watch an episode and decide for yourself” sort of thing.

He DOES save people all over the world. Metropolis is his home, so he’s more readily able to deal with threats there, and as he became more prominent threats came to him. He’s not a transient.


I mean, I don’t see how it could be something else. The turtle brand was too far ingrained in it. Take Velma for example, it put aside essentially everything about the characterization and even an entire character to be what it is.

With Rise, I could see Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, Splinter, April and Baxter. “Demonic” shredder was done before so that wasn’t anything new. The only one that seemed like it was a departure was Leo, and that is justified if you consider it to literally be the “rise” of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. The movie corrects it even further and Casey Jones in the movie was phenomenal. This was probably the most heavy metal version of the krang to date but they weren’t really that much of a radical reinvention either.

It just seems like it was too much of an experimental twist in my mind that it dissociated a lot of fans. It almost happened to me with their version of splinter until I decided to revisit the show.

Cooked food. That’s always worth some money.

My take: collar is for a Superman who considers being Superman like a “job” to do, like he’s taking it a little too seriously. Open comes around when they’re a little bit more laid back about it.

Anything with muted red, I dock points. Either commit or do a different color scheme.

Maybe the names of Faye, Atreus, Lysandra and Calliope in runic glyphs down his shoulder or something.

Old fans will tell you he’s weaker. New fans will tell you stronger and backs that up with Balrog’s comments. My opinion is that he’s exactly as strong as he ever was because the games say physicality doesn’t affect the strength of a god. He has less magic now, but other than that not much has changed. He can supplant his magic abilities with runes, mystical weaponry and sheer battle prowess that exceeds that which he had in his mortal life.

Or 5 seconds of grunting and gritted teeth. God the padding in the anime was horrendous.

I’d make her a teen runaway that got picked up by Baxter stockman for experimentation and exploitation. While trying to make a predetermined mutation, the turtles intervene and start fighting with his lackeys. One of them gets a cut over the mutagen and their blood mixes in which then gets pumped into her blood stream.

She wakes up as a mutant turtle and promptly runs out. Her arc’s about revenge the cycle of violence and letting go of anger. She goes out seeking revenge against Baxter and against her parents who abused her(and maybe a sibling) and the turtles chase after her partially out of responsibility for what happened and partially out of a sense of needing to help.

As long as they do nothing to get in his way, they’d be more or less fine. Maybe Brok would get smacked around if he got mouthy, but outside of anything like the rampage Kratos went on in GoW 3, nothing beyond that.

The sun does nothing for his stamina and any other nutrition needs, and really, would you consider a life without food and sleep worth living?

Garfield’s plan.(live show spoilers possible)SpoilerDiscussion

Every once in a while I think about how Garfield the Deals Warlock was collecting artifacts in the live shows. I REALLY want to see where that plot goes. It’s kept me up on occasion.

And yes, I’m entirely aware that it could just be a goof.